
网络五子棋 毕业设计 .doc

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网络五子棋 毕业设计

摘要 1997年,伴随计算机技术和网络的发展,第一款图形网络游戏《网络创世界》问世,应用计算机与网络的高尖端技术,融合传统的试听与数字娱乐精华,集娱乐,竞技,互动于一体,迅速风靡全球。自此拉开网络游戏的序幕。 目前,PK已经成为现在人生活的一部分,人们以不同的方式通过网络来娱乐,休闲。五子棋是一种两人对已的纯策略型的棋类游戏,似起源于中国古代的传统的黑白棋种之一,发展与日本,流行于欧美。通过一系列的变化,使五子棋这一简单的游戏系统化,规范化,最终成为今天的职业连珠五子棋,同事也成为一种国际比赛棋,它不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性,容易学会,趣味横生,引人入胜。本程序是eclipse平台下的一个小程序,使用JAVA语言,通过对Socket技术的理解,实现客户端与服务器之间的链接,利用多线程技术来处理服务器与客户端的数据传输,通信,实现程序的聊天内容,是的客户端和服务器之间能够同步的进行处理。 通过对本游戏的开发,更深入的理解了面向对象的概念以及面向对象预言的一些问题的优势,也对线程的理解更加理解。 关键字:JAVA 线程 数据传输 五子棋 eclipse 网络 socket Abstract In 1997, along with the development of computer technology and network, the first graphics network game network world, the application of computer and network of sophisticated technology, the fusion of traditional audio-visual and digital entertainment essence, entertainment, athletics, interactive as a whole, quickly catch on around the world. Since then kick network game. Currently, PK has become now a part of life, people in different ways through the network to entertainment and leisure. Gobang is one kind of two people to have pure strategy type chess game, originated in ancient Chinese traditional black white kind of like, one of the development in Japan, popular in Europe and the United States. Through a series of changes, the simple game gobang systematization, standardization and eventually become todays professional renju renju colleagues also become an international chess game, it can not only enhance thinking ability, improve intelligence, and high in philosophy, helps to cultivate ones morality raises a gender, easy to learn, interesting, fascinating. This program is a small program, the eclipse platform using the JAVA language, through the understanding of the Socket technology, realize the link between the client and the server, using multithreading technology to deal with the server and the clients data transmission, communication, implementation procedures of chat content, yes to synchronization between the client and


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