
网站内容管理系统(cms) 学位论文.doc

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网站内容管理系统(cms) 学位论文

CMS内容管理系统 摘要 本文介绍了利用mysql数据库、tomcat服务器及开发工具MyEclipse和Dreamwear等软件制作的网站内容管理系统(CMS)。系统基于JDK平台,用jsp,java开发语言,B/S模式。整体采用MVC框架实现了整套系统的快速开发,更提高了稳定性和可维护性。其中M层采用DAO模式,C层采用servlet,V层采用HTML、JSP、jstl标签等。本系统共分为前台展示模块和后台管理模块,两个模块都采用了MVC架构,通过数据库联系在一起,后台通过对数据库的一系列操作达到控制前台要展现的内容的目的,前台通过从数据库里取出数据得到要展现的内容,前台个别模块如用户登录、投票系统、文章评论等也可达到互动的效果,通过使用本系统可达到快速建站的目的,对于对编程不懂的用户可通过本系统达到建网站的目的,方便快捷易于理解。 以下通过五个章节对本系统的设计与实现进行详细介绍。第一部分为引言简单介绍相关背景及JSP技术。第二部分做需求分析。第三部分介绍数据库设计。第四部分详细设计。第五部分是测试 关键词:CMS;jsp;B/S;MVC;网站内容管理系统; CMS Content Management System Abstract: This paper describes the use of Mysql, tomcat, MyEclipse, Dreamwear and other software tools to create content management system process. System is based on JDK platform, the language of the JAVA and the use of B/S mode. Using MVC framework enables rapid development of stability can be maintained.The Model layer uses DAO mode.The Controller layer uses servlet. And the View layer uses html,jsp and tags .This system is divided into front desk display module and background management module, two modules of MVC architecture, has been adopted by the database together, background through a series of database operation to control the front desk to display content, the purpose of the front desk get removed from the database by data to demonstrate the content, the front desk for individual modules such as user login, the voting system, the article reviews, etc. Also can achieve the effect of the interaction,Using the system can The people of not knowing the programming can construction site through this system quickly. This article discusses the five parts of the CMS Content Management System design and implementation. The first part is a brief introduction to the background, and Java Server Pages. The second part is the demand analysis. The third part is the database design and . The fourth part is the detailed design. The fifth part is the software testing. Keyword:CMS; JSP; B/S;MVC; 1 引言 5 1.1相关背景 5 1.1.1CMS简介 5 1.1.2CM


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