
旺旺集团员工绩效管理系统的分析与设计 学位论文.doc

旺旺集团员工绩效管理系统的分析与设计 学位论文.doc

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旺旺集团员工绩效管理系统的分析与设计 学位论文

毕业论文 旺旺集团员工绩效管理系统的分析与设计 摘要 当今社会,计算机的应用越来越普遍,对于大中型公司来说,计算机能够提高办事效率,节约工作时间,节省工作成本和人员成本。而且在现代社会企业的要求越来越高,工作的规范度也越来越高的情况下,仅靠人工是不可能实现公司的这些要求的。而计算机具有易操作,规范化和快捷的特点,所以基于这些特点,利用计算机技术的员工管理系统应运而生,开发出的员工绩效管理系统很适合现代公司,能够极大的帮助公司解决日常繁琐问题,解放出员工的双手,可以空出来越来越多的时间和精力,然后进入到更重要的工作中去,才能够为公司创造出更多的业绩,使公司一天比一天强大。 经过普遍了解之后,公司在实际工作中的需求,一般都包括最基本的五个部分。所使用的系统的是windows,数据库通过SQL Server去搭建,运行环境是ASP,然后经过C#去实现动态的交互网站,然后出现问题后再经过调整,修改,使它成为能够方便快捷充分的满足用户的管理系统。该网站实现的五个部分有用户注册、员工基本信息管理、人事变动管理、考勤管理、部门管理。这个网站比较简单,实现的都是最基本的功能。 关键词:员工绩效管理系统网站;信息技术;功能实现 Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology, the popularity of computer applications, the use of computers in business management in the enterprise management can greatly improve efficiency. For medium-sized enterprises, the use of computers to enable enterprises to efficiently complete the creation and management personnel to adapt to the modern enterprise system, and encourage enterprises to create a more scientific and standardized. A computer with high speed, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life, low cost, daily work management information workers can easily find these incomparable advantages, these advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of the staff, but also to scientific and standardized management of enterprises. According to the actual needs, employee performance management system is divided into five sections of the site. In the Windows 7 operating system environment, set up to run ASP environment, build databases using SQL Server, C # scripting language is completed by dynamic, interactive Web site, and constantly adjust, improve, achieve a practical system satisfaction. The site is divided into five parts to achieve user registration, basic information management staff, personnel change management, attendance management, departmental management. Key words:Management Information System,Employee Performance Management System website, function realization 声明 I 摘要 II Abstract III 第1章 系统规划 1 1.


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