
我国社区银行的现状分析及发展策略 学位论文.doc

我国社区银行的现状分析及发展策略 学位论文.doc

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我国社区银行的现状分析及发展策略 学位论文

辽东学院本科毕业论文 我国社区银行的现状分析及发展策略 The analysis of the present situation?and development strategy of?community bank in China ? 摘 要 2013 年是我国社区银行发展的元年,社区银行已经成为金融改革的热门话题之一,多家商业银行建立社区银行的热情空前高涨。虽然社区银行在西方等经济发达国家已经相当成熟,但在我国仍处于发展的初级阶段,由于没有明确的界定和完善的监管以及相应的配套机制,因此在发展中出现了一定的问题。 本文在阐述社区银行基本理论的基础上,通过对比国内外对社区银行的界定,指出在监管体系和市场定位等方面存在的问题。通过分析社区银行对我国经济发展起到的重要作用,例如农村资金扩散,中小企业融资难等问题,从而提出发展社区银行的必要性。通过借鉴发达国家的成功经验,高效的管理机制,优秀的经营经验,从而提出在我国发展社区银行的策略,根据国情,制定出一条符合我国的特色化发展道路。 关键词:社区银行;市场监督;管理机制 The analysis of the present situation?and development strategy of?community bank in China Abstract 2013 is the beginning of the development of community banking in China, followed by community banks as a financial news headlines, the big four State-owned banks and other big banks are showing considerable interest. Community banks in the developed countries was relatively mature, but China has just started, the lack of experience, had plenty of blood, in the development of a series of questions. Based on the description of basic theories of community banks based on the developed countries on how to define how services, so as to see the community banking market supervision is not perfect, and so on. Through the analysis of Community Bank plays an important role in Chinas economic development, such as rural funds spread, issues such as financing SMEs, which put forward the necessity of development of community banks. By drawing on the successful experiences of developed countries and efficient management mechanism, good operating experience, and community banks in our development policies, in accordance with national conditions, worked out a development path with characteristics in line with Chinas. Key Words:Community Bank;Market supervision;Management mechanism 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 一、 社区银行概述 2 二、 国内社区银行发展近状 3 (一) 国内社区银行现状 3 (二) 我国社区银行发展存在的问题 3 1. 市场定位不够明确 3 2. 实践经验不足 3 3. 监管不完善 4 (三) 社区银行监管现状 4 三、 国外社区银行经验借鉴 5 (一) 富国银行概况 5 (二) 富国银行的成功经验 5 1. 低成本存款保障资金来源 5 2. 多渠



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