
物理学与其他相关学科的关系 学位论文.doc

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物理学与其他相关学科的关系 学位论文

2015届本科毕业论文(设计) 题目:物理学与其他相关学科的关系 新疆师范大学教务处 目 录 1 引言 1 2 学科的分类 1 2.1一级学科分类 1 2.2物理学的分类 2 3 物理学的几种分类方法 3 3.1国际物理学分类法 4 3.2英国《物理文摘》分类法 6 3.3美国《近期物理学索引》分类法 6 4 物理学的定义 7 4.1物理学的研究对象 9 4.2 物理学的研究方法 11 5 物理学与其他相关学科的关系 14 7 结论 25 参考文献: 26 附 录 27 致 谢 28 物理学与其他相关学科的关系 摘要:知识是一个严密的科学体系。随着现代科学技术的发展,各门学科相互交叉,相互渗透,联系越来越紧密。物理作为一门基础学科,不仅有其自身的特殊属性,同时也与其他学科关系密切。了解物理与其他学科的关系,有助于我们加深对物理及其他学科知识的掌握。物理知识其他学科相互联系 An Empirical Study of Nalati Scenic Spot’s Consuming Behavior in Xinjiang Abstracts:Domestic tourists’ consuming behavior reserches began in the 1980s. In recent years, people gradually realized that it was significant to study tourists’ consuming behavior and many researches are emerging. This paper takes tourists of Nalati scenic spot in Xinjiang as subjects. Some knowledge about psychology, economics, sociology, geography and other subjects were utilized to study the characteristics of their consuming behaviour. First of all, the research tendency and related theoretical bases of consuming behaviour home and abroad was reviewed. Secondly, Nalati scenic spot was taken as the research zone and the data was collected through the questionnaire. On the basis of the above, the data was statistically analyzed. The contents of analysis include the three aspects: social characteristics, travel motivation and travel ways. Then, the influencing factors of tourism consuming behaviour was discussed. Finally, the promoting measures to Nalati scenic spot was put forward according to the analytic results and the present situation of the scenic spot. The aim of the study is to promote the substantial development of Nalati scenic sport tourism. Key words: tourism;consuming behaviour;motivation;Nalati scenic spot 物理学是最基本的、包罗万象的一门学科,它对整个科学的发展有深远的影响。事实上,物理学是与过去所谓的“自然哲学”相当的现代名称,现代科学大多数就是从自然哲学中产生的。许多领域内的学生都发现自己正在学习物理学,这是因为它在所有的现象中起着基本的作用。所谓的“学科”之间没有分离,只不过人类在自身发展的同时按照自己的观点将科学分离了出来,比如数学就像是一切所遵循的规律,其实想想,因为力的关系,一切都遵循着简单清晰的的道理


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