
武汉高校女化妆品绿色营销研究 学位论文.doc

武汉高校女化妆品绿色营销研究 学位论文.doc

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武汉高校女化妆品绿色营销研究 学位论文

武汉高校女大学生化妆品绿色营销研究 Study on the Green Marketing of University Female Students in Wuhan 摘  要 随着环境保护意识的增强,绿色营销已成为21世纪营销的新趋势。绿色营销是企业在生产经营过程中,将企业自身利益、消费者利益和环境保护利益三者统一起来,以此为中心,对产品和服务进行构思、设计、销售和制造。 随着绿色运动的兴起,化妆品企业的绿色营销观念也在逐步增强。但企业绿色营销运作机制和策略完善与否将对企业生存和发展起着决定性的影响,因此本文在介绍绿色营销理念的基础上,探讨了针对高校女大学生群体,化妆品企业开展绿色营销的策略。 本文首先阐述了绿色营销的理念和特点,接着简单介绍了对武汉高校女大学生化妆品消费情况的调查,并根据调查资料分析了企业化妆品在高校女大学生消费群体的绿色营销现状及存在的问题,然后从企业内部因素和外部因素两大方面解释了出现这些问题的原因。接着本文论述了实施高校化妆品绿色营销实施的必要性和优势所在。最后,根据以上分析提出了化妆品企业在高校女大学生群体中施行绿色营销的具体策略。 该研究顺应了全球环保的潮流,使营销者更加了解现代女大学生在化妆品上的消费理念和趋势,有利于提高女大学生的顾客满意度和化妆品市场竞争力。研究结果可以运用到实际营销当中,有利于提高化妆品企业针对高校女大学生的营销水平,有利于化妆品行业的发展。 关键词:绿色营销;女大学生;化妆品 Abstract With the improvement of peoples consciousness of environmental protection, green marketing has become a new trend of marketing strategy in the 21st century. Cosmetics enterprises also attach great importance to the green marketing ,which has a significant impact on the survival and development of enterprises.This article discuss the green marketing strategy of cosmetics aimed at the group of female university students. The article firstly explained the conception and traits of the green marketing. Then it briefly introduced the survey on the consumption of cosmetics by female university students and analyzed the the current situation and problems of the green marketing and search for the reason from the enterprise internal factors and external factors. It`s necessary to Implement the green marketing of cosmetics aimed at the group of female university students. At last, it presents countermeasures and suggestion for cosmetics enterprises based on the analysis of the preceding context. This study conform to the trend of global environmental protection and is of great significance and be conducive to modern marketers. With the study of green marketing, cosmetics enterprises can have a better understanding of female university students` consumption concept on their products and carry out the green marketing strategy e


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