
洗衣机控制器设计 学位论文.doc

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洗衣机控制器设计 学位论文

摘 要 模糊控制是以模糊数学为基础发展起来的一种新的非线性的控制方法,对那些无法取得数学模型或数学模型相当粗糙的系统可以取得较满意的控制效果,解决了一些用传统方法无法解决的问题。近年来,模糊控制在家用电器控制中得到较广泛的应用,采用模糊控制技术的洗衣机具有自动识别衣质、衣量,自动识别肮脏程度,自动决定水量,自动投入恰当的洗涤剂等功能,不仅实现了洗衣机的全面自动化,也大大提高了洗衣的质量,具有很强的实用性和较好的发展前景。 基于51单片机的洗衣控制系统,控制面板由按键、指示灯和LED 显示器组成。按键选择洗衣机工作方式,指示灯配合按键工作,LED 显示器则显示洗衣机洗涤和脱水时间。洗衣机的整体电路模块包括键盘矩阵、指示灯、电动机控制及电源电路。控制程序设计包括定时中断服务程序、外中断服务程序及主程序。 关键词:模糊控制;洗衣机;全自动;洗衣控制系统; 51单片机;控制程序 Abstract Fuzzy control with fuzzy mathematics for a kind of new not line control method that the foundation develop, to those cant acquisition mathematics model or very rough system in model in mathematicses can obtain the satisfied control result, resolving the some use the problem that traditional method cant resolve.In recent years, the faintness controls to control at home appliances the inside gets the extensive application, adopting the technical washing machine in misty control have the auto identifies the dress quality, dress measures, identifying the dirty degree automatically, the automatic decision water measures, throwing in an etc. function automatically, not only realizes the washing machine automate completely, but also increaseding consumedly the quantity that do laundry, have the very strong function with the good development foreground Washing machine control system based on singlechip 51, the control panel is composed by keys,indicating lamps and LED. The keys chose the work modes, the indicating lamps cooperated with the keys. The LED monitor showed the time of washing and dehydration. The circuit of washing machine includes keyboard matrix, indicatinglamp, motor control and power circuit. The control program includes timing interrupt service program, external interruptservice program and main program. Key words : fuzzy control ;washer ;automatic;Washing control system; Singlechip 51; Control programm 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 洗衣机的概念 1 第二节 洗衣机概述 1 第三节 课题意义及来源 3 第四节 本课题的目的 4 第五节 洗衣机发展史 4 第二章 硬件系统的设计 7 第一节 全自动洗衣机的控制功能要求 7 一、洗涤按钮 7 二、洗涤时 7 三、有启动/暂停按钮控制 7 四、


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