
限牌对汽车发展的影响研究 毕业设计 .doc

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限牌对汽车发展的影响研究 毕业设计

毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 限牌对汽车发展的影响研究 学 院 名 称: 自考学院 专 业: 汽营与售后服务 班 级: 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 定稿日期: 2015年 10 月 17日 摘 要 论文通过研究汽车限牌的背景,分析研究国内外汽车限牌的发展现状,通过研究汽车限牌制度的产生背景、限牌对汽车发展的影响和提出限牌制度的改进措施来论证。着重研究了限牌对汽车发展的影响,从以下四个方面入手:对地方汽车销售行业的影响;对地方税收贡献的影响;对地方汽车工业及相关产业的影响;以及对劳动力就业的影响。从某种意义上说,汽车限牌可谓是“牵一发而动全身”,限牌政策在一定程度上影响了汽车消费市场的自然增长规律,影响了后期的汽车消费需求,导致汽车消费对全省消费品市场的拉动效果出现了一定程度的弱化。汽车消费低了,地方税收自然而然的降低了。同时,汽车限购,必然会影响所限购城市的销量,而销量下降,也必然对汽车工业产生直接的影响。那么就业也将受到影响。论文通过分析认为,限牌制度应该在宏观层面上国家应加强对汽车限购的规范和立法,同时建议增设“非主城区行驶专用号牌”和理性应对并优化服务,并且引导汽车经销商将销售和服务向郊县市延伸,以及制订主城区二手车向郊县有序流动的政策等。 关键词:限牌政策;交通拥堵;汽车发展 ABSTRACT Paper by studying the automobile brand limited analysis of the background, the study of domestic and foreign automobile brand development present situation, through the study of the production of automobile limited card system background, the limit of its influence on the development of the automobile brand and limit card system improvement measures are put forward for argument. This paper studies the limit of its influence on the development of the automobile, from the following four aspects: the influence on local auto sales industry. The influence of contribution to the local tax revenue; The impact on the local automotive industry and related industries; As well as the influence on the employment. In a sense, the car brand is \extremely important\ limit, limit card policy to a certain extent, affected the natural growth law of automobile consumption market, influenced the late automobile consumption demand, consumption of cars pull effect on the province consumer market appeared a certain degree of weakening. Automobile consumption is low, the local taxation naturally decr


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