
小区车位管理系统车位图模块设计与开发1 毕业设计 .doc

小区车位管理系统车位图模块设计与开发1 毕业设计 .doc

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小区车位管理系统车位图模块设计与开发1 毕业设计

摘要 当今社会经济发展迅速,城市私家车日益普及,给人们交通出行带来方便的同时,也给小区车位管理带来了新的难题。为了满足小区有车位管理的需求,我们尝试着设计了一个简洁稳定实用的小区车位管理系统。这个系统共分三大模块:小区车位管理系统——车位图模块,小区车位管理系统——车位管理模块,小区车位管理系统——车主和缴费信息模块。 车位图模块主要显示车位图、车位编号、车位属性、车位业主信息等,并连接到小型数据库。车位管理模块主要为小型数据库的设计,表格形式可修改、添加、查询车位信息和车位业主信息。车主和缴费信息模块主要以表格形式显示出车位业主信息并可修改、添加、查询,以及显示缴费信息。 本人负责车位图模块的设计与开发,先根据小区实际规划,画出小区平面图,并设计管理系统的界面。当鼠标左键点击任意车位时,在页面内显示出该车位的信息。 开发工具选择Microsoft Visual C++6.0,数据库选择sql server2008组合就能够完成本系统的开发。 关键词:车位管理系统 车位图模块 Microsoft Visual C++6.0 sql server2008 Abstract In todays society the rapid economic development, the city of private cars increasing popularity, transportation to people bring convenient while, also brought new problems for parking space of the community management.In order to meet the needs of community parking management, we try to design a simple stable practical residential parking management system.This system is divided into three modules: residential parking management system, parking map module, district parking management system, parking management module, residential area parking management system, the owner and the payment information module. Parking map module is mainly to show parking, parking number, owner parking attributes, parking information, etc., and connect to the small database.Parking management module mainly for small database design, form can modify, add, query parking information and parking owner information.Owner and pay cost information module is mainly displayed in a tabular form the car owner information and can modify, add, query, and show the payment information. The assigned parking map module design and development, according to the actual village planning first, draw the plot plan, and design management system interface.When the mouse the left key click any parking space within the page shows the vehicle position information. Development tool to select Microsoft Visual c + + 6.0, SQL server2008 database selection combination will be able to complete the developme



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