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斜拉桥设计 学位论文

斜拉桥毕业设计(论文)设计说明书 课题名称 白蛇沟大桥设计 学院(部) 公路学院 桥梁工程,综合考虑桥位的地质、地形条件,拟定了三个比选方案:双塔斜拉桥、连续刚构桥、地锚式悬索桥。按“实用、经济、安全、美观、环保”的桥梁设计原则,比较三个方案的优缺点之后,将双塔斜拉桥作为推荐方案,进行了斜拉桥总体布置和上部结构细部尺寸拟定,并利用Midas/Civil 6.7.1建立了有限元简化模型,对全桥在施工阶段和成桥使用阶段进行受力和变形分析以及动力特性分析。 经过有限元分析,对结构进行了应力强度验算和变形验算,在此基础上,对钢主梁和斜拉索还进行了疲劳验算。最后,对全桥进行了抗风评价和抗风验算。经分析比较和验算,表明该设计计算方法正确,内力分布合理,符合设计任务的要求。 关键词:方案,斜拉桥,有限元,结构分析,验算 ABSTRACT According to request of the design task,the existing highway and bridge specification, three types of bridges are presented,which are double pylon cable-stayed bridge, PC continuous rigid frame bridge and suspension bridge, on the basis of considering the geology and terrain conditions of the bridge position. According to the principle of “practical,economical,secure,aesthetic and environment-friendly”,after comparing their characters comprehensively, the double-pylon cable-stayed bridge is chosen as the main design scheme, and we have accomplished the general layout of the cable-stayed bridge and redacted the detailed dimension of the superstructure. At the same time, we have analyzed the stress, deformation and dynamic characteristics of the bridge in its using stage and the construction stage through making finite element model by Midas/Civil 6.7.1. Moreover, based on the calculation results, the stress intensity and deformation of bridge’s structure was checked. On this basis, we did the checking computations about fatigue of the steel girders and cables. In the finally,we did the wind resistance assessment and checking computation. Through comparison and checking computations,it shows the calculation method of this design is right, the internal forces distributing is reasonable, and it is satisfied with the requirement of the design task. Key words: Designs, Cable-stayed bridge, Finite element, Structural analysis, Checking computations 目 录 概 述 1 第一章 方案比选 2 1.1 桥型方案设计概述 2 1.1.1 桥型方案设计原则 2 1.1.2 桥梁设计方案概述 2 1.2 主桥桥型方案设计 3 1.2.1 方案一:双


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