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蓄电池充放电管理系统研究 毕业设计
Electric automobile is environment-friendly as it is operated by power battery, the life of which is the critical factor that affects the development of electric automobile. One aspect is that in the process of manufacturing power battery, differences in workmanship lead to differences in battery capacity even the same batch will be no exception. The differences are manifest in the terminal voltage straightly. During charging, the small capacity battery’s voltage rise quicker, that is, it need less time to reach full than the others. Stop timely, or it will be over-charging. The immediate consequences of differences are that small capacity storage batteries are always over-charging in the charging process while over-discharging in the opposite process, which shorten lifespan evidently and of course life of the full group of storage battery will be influenced.
In this article series-parallel connection transformation is used to solve this problem. During charging, each single battery is connected in parallel and if one of them is detected having been charged fully, it will be took out of the battery pack. In the discharging process, single batteries are in series connection and once some battery lacks power, it will be took out. This article emphasizes on the transformation of series parallel connection.
Key word: Battery series-parallel connection transformation life span charging and discharging management
摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 IV
第一章 充电方式的选择 1
1.1 恒压充电方式 1
1.2恒流充电方式 2
1.3两阶段充电方式 3
1.4三阶段充电方式 3
1.5脉冲充电方式 5
第二章 单体电池电压测量 7
2.1目前几种单体电池电压测量方法 7
2.1.1共模测量法 7
2.1.2继电器切换采样法 8
2.1.3开关切换法 9
2.1.4 V/F转换无触点采样法 9
2.1.5浮动地测量法 10
2.2本为采用的单体电池电压测量方法 11
第三章 均衡充放电管理 13
3.1目前几种常见的充放电管理方法 13
3.1.1涓流充电法 13
3.1.2并联电阻法 13
3.1.3电容切换法 14
3.1.4多绕组变压器法 14
3.1.5并联DC/DC变流器法 15
3.2本文采用的方法 16
3.2.1放电过程的管理 16
3.2.2充电过程的管理 16
3.2.3充放电串并联转换的实现 18
3.3 基于protues的串并联转换管理方式的仿真 18
3.3.1继电器的逻辑控制 18
3.3.2 单体电池的模拟 20
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