
液化天然气车辆年审系统检验员模块设计 毕业设计 .doc

液化天然气车辆年审系统检验员模块设计 毕业设计 .doc

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液化天然气车辆年审系统检验员模块设计 毕业设计

摘要 随着以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济发展模式在世界各国的开展,天然气作为清洁能源越来越受到青睐。我国车用液化天然气市场看好,前景可期。而国内目前并没有专门的液化天然气车辆年审系统。车管所的工作人员完全人工处理数据,这样既郎芬时间、人力,又不能保证信息的准确、安全。 这种问题迫切需要一个很好的平台解决。随着因特网的飞速发展及互联网的普及,计算机已广泛应用于政府、军事、科研、商业等部门,连接到千家万户,利用互联网实现年审系统势在必行[1]With low energy consumption, low pollution, low emission based economic development model in the development of the world, the natural gas as a clean energy is more and more be favorred.Automotive liquefied natural gas (LNG) market in China, the outlook.And domestic current did not specifically liquefied natural gas vehicle inspection system.DMV staff manual processing data completely, such already LangFen time and manpower, and can not guarantee the accuracy of the information, security. This kind of problems urgently need to be a good platform.With the rapid development of Internet and the popularity of Internet, computer has been widely used in government, military, scientific research, business and other departments, to connect to the homes, using the Internet to achieve annual survey system is imperative.We can show all the details via the Internet, the better to save time, serve the public.The project is a JSP page is made by MyEclipse and SQL Sever 2005 connected to the database, including inspection, review and approval, the analyst module is described in detail in this paper. Keywords:The Internet Liquefied natural gas vehicle inspection system JSP MyEclipse SQL Sever 2005 inspector 目录 1. 概述 1 1.1 液化天然气车辆的意义 1 1.2 当今液化天然气车辆年审现状 1 1.3 项目产生的背景 2 1.4 项目开发目的及意义 2 2. 系统分析 3 2.1 现行系统概况描述 3 2.2 系统开发可行性分析 3 2.2.1 技术可行性 4 2.2.2 经济可行性 4 2.2.3 操作可行性 4 2.2.4 环境可行性 4 2.3 需求分析 4 2.3.1 系统功能需求 5 2.3.2 性能需求 5 2.3.3 软件属性需求 5 2.4 国内外现状 6 2.5 软硬件支持 6 3.环境简介 7 3.1 MYECLIPSE与SQL SERVER 2005开发版的介绍 7 3.2 TOMCAT与JDK的介绍 7 4. 设计思想 8 4.1 准备工作 8 4.2 最终实现功能 8 5. 系统设计 9 5.1 项目设计流程图 9 5.2 详细内容 10 5.2.1 登陆界面 10 5.2.2 检验员登陆界面设计 11 5.2.3 检验报告界面设计 12 5.2.4 查看提交报告与查看已审核报告界面设计 13 5.2.5 打印报告界面设计 15 5.2.6 查询历史检验报告界面设计 16



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