
医药连锁店管理系统门店子系统设计 毕业设计 .doc

医药连锁店管理系统门店子系统设计 毕业设计 .doc

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医药连锁店管理系统门店子系统设计 毕业设计

摘 要 在当今信息化时代,随着信息科学与技术的迅速发展,在节奏越来越快的工作和生活中,信息资源已成为各个部门的重要财富和资源。建立一个行之有效的信息系统也成为一个企业或组织生存和发展的重要条件。人们将越来越多的重复性劳作和大量的信息处理交由计算机操作。手工管理这些纷繁复杂数据的方式已经不适应时代的潮流,实现数据规范化、自动化的电脑管理,是一个管理规范、动作高效的单位的必然要求。而本系统就是为了实现药店高效管理而设计的。? 本系统是基于B/S模式研究开发的基于JSP的药店管理系统,药店管理系统的开发有助于对药店药品进行有效的管理,提高药店管理效率。将繁琐的工作简单化、规范化,电子化、自动化。本系统设计将采用JSP技术设计系统页面环境,MySQL技术作为后台数据存储,这对于药店日后实现网络化管理提供了更为先进的拓展平台。 关键词 药店管理系统,JSP ,MySQL Abstract In todays information age, with the rapid development of information science and technology, in an increasingly rapid pace of life and work, the information resource has become an important wealth and resources of various departments. Establish an effective information system has also become an important condition for the survival and development of enterprises or organizations. People will be increasingly repetitive work and a lot of information processing by computer operation. Manual management of these complex data mode is not adapt to the trend of the times, data standardization, automation computer management, is an inevitable requirement management norms, efficient movement of units. But this system is in order to achieve efficient management of drugstores and design. The system is based on the pharmacy management system based on JSP development of B/S mode, the development of pharmacy management system helps to carry on effective management to improve the management efficiency of drug stores, pharmacies. The tedious work of simplification, standardization, electronic, automation. The design of the system will use the JSP technology to design the system page environment, MySQL technology as the background data storage, which for the pharmacy network management in the future to provide a more advanced development platform. Key Words:?Pharmacy?management?system,?JSP,?MySQL 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 研究内容与目标 2 2 相关技术的选用与介绍 2 2.1 JSP技术 2 2.2 B/S模式的介绍 3 2.3 MySQL数据库的介绍 3 3系统分析与总体设计 4 3.1 系统功能描述 4 3.2 系统功能模块划分 4 3.3



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