
预约挂号系统的设计与实现 毕业设计 .doc

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预约挂号系统的设计与实现 毕业设计

摘 要 自进入21世纪以来,互联网技术的迅猛发展不断刺激着社会各行各业的发展,网络的空前发展更是为人们的工作与生活带来了极大的便利,信息化服务已经成为节约运营成本、提高工作效率的首选。相比较而言,我国医疗服务信息化还处于较为落后的状态,大部分的中小型医院预约挂号工作还是采用相对保守的手工工作方式,劳动强度大而且工作效率低。患者挂号排队时间长、候诊时间长、医生问诊时间短,这些影响了医疗的效率,也延误患了者的病情。 为了使医院预约挂号管理更高效、更科学,决定开发医院预约挂号平台。本系统采用的是基于广域网的B/S结构平台,它的适用范围广,具有生动和丰富的表现方式与用户交流;同时使用JSP技术进行基本页面的设计与功能实现,它具有卓越的可移植性;后台数据库选用MySQL数据库,简便灵巧。本系统的设计实施为医院预约挂号系统的运行做基础,为医院预约挂号管理工作提供良好的条件,更是为缓解广大患者挂号难、专家号难挂的问题,使患者可以快速的找到符合要求的专家进行预约挂号。 关键词: 预约挂号、B/S、JSP、MySQL Abstract Since entering twenty-first Century, the rapid development of Internet technology has stimulated the development of all sectors of society, the unprecedented development of the Internet also brings great convenience for peoples work and life, information service has become operational cost savings, improve the work efficiency of first choice. By comparison, the information of medical service in our country is still in a relatively backward state, most of the small and medium-sized hospital appointment registration work is still relatively conservative with manual work, high labor intensity and low work efficiency. Patients to register queue for a long time, the waiting time is long, the doctor time is short, the effect of the medical efficiency, also delays had patients. In order to make the hospital appointment registration management more efficient, more scientific, decided to develop the hospital appointment registration platform. The system uses a B/S structure platform based on wide area network, it is wide, with communication and user vivid and expressive way; to the basic page design and function realization using JSP technology, it has excellent portability; background database using MySQL database, ingenious. Design and implementation of this system, appointment system for the operation of the hospital foundation, make an appointment for hospital management to provide good conditions, more is to alleviate the patients registered difficult, experts, difficult to hang, so that patients ca


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