
枣品质决策系统数据导入 学位论文.doc

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枣品质决策系统数据导入 学位论文

摘要 枣因其营养价值高,易种植,耐存活且在不同地域拥有不同特色而成为许多地方特别是山区高原致富之道,但由于技术方面的欠缺使得果农无法用专业知识去评估自己手中果实的品质和正确价值导向,由此带来一系列问题,信息消息的滞后导致农户盲目种植,产品积压,销售停滞。因此就要找到相关途径,知己之道,才能让枣农更快发展富裕起来。由此需求设计了《枣品质决策系统》依托当前信息的网络化、快速化,使用网络评估果实品质,给出相关建议等服务为前提的综合信息评估服务系统的设计。该服务器系统在功能上可以根据实时的数据进行决策树的更新重建,以及用户可以根据采集到的数据进行功能的查询,本文以功能逻辑为主线,较深入的分析子功能的实现原理和方案的选择。详细介绍了基于java和以JXL(Java Excel Api)为代表的开源技术等在web应用系统中的数据导入导出的方法。 在此项目中选择了JavaWeb作为开发语言,用到了面向对象的开发思想和mvc设计模式的设计理念。在接口设计上,实现了数据封装和信息隐藏。 关键字:JavaWeb 批量数据 导入/导出 Abstract Dates because of its high nutritional value, easy to grow, resistance to survive and in different regions have different characteristics and become rich in many places, especially in mountainous plateau, but due to the lack of technology make the fruit cannot use professional knowledge to evaluate the quality of their own hands the fruit and the correct value guidance, leading to a series of problems, information messages delay lead to farmers planting blindly, product backlog, sales stalled. So will find relevant way, bosom friend, to get the most rich faster development. Thus demand jujube quality decision system is designed, it is relying on the current information network, rapidness, using the network evaluating fruit quality, and provide advice and other services as the prerequisite of comprehensive assessment information service system design. The server system on the function can be based on real-time data updating decision tree reconstruction, and the user can according to the collected data query functions, based on the function of logic as the main line, more in-depth analysis of sub function the principle and scheme of choice. This paper introduces the technology and method of data importing and exporting based on Java and open source technology such as JXL etc. in WEB application system . Chose the JavaWeb in this project as a development language, use the object-oriented development thought and the design concept of the MVC design pattern. In the interface design, realized the data e



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