
轧钢辊道电气传动系统说明书 学位论文.doc

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轧钢辊道电气传动系统说明书 学位论文

轧钢辊道电气传动系统设计 摘要 辊道作为轧钢厂必不可少的设备,其数量多、占地面积广,贯穿整个轧钢厂的生产线。在轧钢车间辊道是运送必不可少的设备,它作用于车间整个生产线,占工厂设备总重量的很大的比重,在很大程度上决定着轧钢车间的生产效率和整个轧制工艺过程的是否连续,而且轧钢机前后的辊道运转情况还直接影响轧钢机的产量的大小。早期的辊道的调速系统是采用直流调速方式,本文介绍了该系统存在的系列问题和具体将其改造成变频调速系统,介绍了变频调速的优点,在钢铁生产中变频调速起着举足轻重的作用关系着生产命脉,关乎着操作者的安全和产品的质量。传统的辊道采用集体传动方式,需要链条和变速箱,造价高维护不方便,也不利于对生产线的改造。本文所采用的式单独传动方式:一台电机控制一台辊子,利用变频器制动,调速。大大节约了成本,同时采用变频调速系统能够大幅节能,并且调速快捷,调速精度高。本文具体介绍了如何选择辊道电动机,选择变频器的方法,和对制动方式的考量。 关键字:辊道电机,变频器,传动方式,变频调速 Summary Roller essential as rolling mill equipment, its quantity, wide footprint, throughout the rolling mill production line. In the steel rolling workshop roller essential equipment is shipped, which acts on the entire production line workshop, plant and equipment accounts for a large proportion of the total weight, largely determine the productivity and the entire rolling process of rolling plant whether continuous, and roller mill functioning before and after the rolling mill also directly affect the size of the yield. Early roller speed control system is the use of a DC speed control, this paper describes a series of problems exist in the system and to transform it into a specific frequency control system, describes the benefits of frequency control, frequency control in steel production It plays an important role in the relationship between the production lifeline, about the quality of operator safety and product. Traditional roller a collective drive mode, you need a chain and gearbox, high maintenance cost is inconvenient, is not conducive to the transformation of the production line. Type single drive used herein: a motor to control a roller, use the inverter brake, speed. Significant cost savings, while the use of frequency control system can significantly saving and fast speed, high-speed precision. This article describes how to select the specific roller motor, select the drive, and a method for braking mode considerations. Keywords: roller motor, inverter, transmission mode, frequency control 目录 轧钢辊道



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