
中国戏曲文化书籍装帧 毕业设计 .doc

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中国戏曲文化书籍装帧 毕业设计

学号 30611411232 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 中国戏曲文化书籍装帧 教 学 系: 人文与艺术系 指导教师: 专业班级: 艺设1122班 学生姓名: 二零一六年五月 目 录 摘 要 1 ABSTRACT 2 1 设计调研 3 1.1 设计调研的目的及意义 3 1.2 现有主题作品类型分析 3 1.3 相关主题作品类型分析 4 1.4 设计定位 4 2 创意筛选 5 2.1 草图分析 5 2.2 方案确定 6 3 作品方案 7 3.1 主题 7 3.2 材料 7 3.3 色彩 8 3.4 图形 8 3.5 表现技法 9 3.6 设计说明 9 4 总结 10 参 考 文 献 11 附 录 12 致 谢 15 摘 要 中国戏曲主要是由民间歌舞、说唱和滑稽戏三种不同艺术形式综合而成。它起源于原始歌舞,是一种历史悠久的综合舞台艺术样式。经过汉、唐到宋、金才形成比较完整的戏曲艺术,它由文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术、武术、杂技以及表演艺术综合而成,约有三百六十多个种类。它的特点是将众多艺术形式以一种标准聚合在一起,在共同具有的性质中体现其各自的个性。中国的戏曲与希腊悲剧和喜剧、印度梵剧并称为世界三大古老的戏剧文化,经过长期的发展演变,逐步形成了以“京剧、越剧、黄梅戏、评剧、豫剧”五大戏曲剧种为核心的中华戏曲百花苑。中国戏曲剧种种类繁多,,Decorative painting source in the Warring States period,in the Warring States period known for silk painting art,is a kind of very exquisite art works, it is a source in nature is higher than that of natural and ideal form of artistic expression, is the people thought sublimation, people can put their thinking to using this decorative way. Decorative painting is on the basis of life, bold imagination, reasonable exaggeration. In the form of performance and decorative painting without any material constraints, as long as the performance is reasonable, any material can become its manifestations. Each country has its own language and script. China only with one Chinese character cultivation of the five thousand years of ancient culture, it is conceivable that presented by the Chinese character charm is irresistible, so in the swim word design of decorative painting in China and to Chinese characters as the center to creation. First through the research and analysis of the existing decorative painting, draw the decorative painting of the reference, provides a guideline for the design of the sketches and creative, secondly in the design, the use of Chinese traditional patterns, using carving techniques for font design, respectively from the materials, colors, graphics and presentation techniques China Tour carries on the analysis to the. Finally, th



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