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how to help students to acquire the english listening ability 英语毕设论文
How to Help Students to Acquire the English Listening Ability
Abstract: Listening is in the basic and important position in learning English. How to help students to get rid of the listening barriers and master the skill of it. Improving the level of listening is one of the problems that our teacher put forth to discuss. The thesis analyzes some problems existing in the process of listening. In listening process, the failures to understand are usually caused by sound. In listening to a complicated passage or dialogue, students tend to treat each sentence in isolation and hence fail to make an inference which needs to be draw from the context. Very often they fail to distinguish the topic sentence from the details and as a result they are uncertain about the main idea of the listening text they have heard. Also, vocabulary presents obstacles for them in understanding the listening text. In order to solve these problems, this thesis put forward some ways such as dictation, predict, memorization.
Key words: listening problem, the sounds, the vocabulary, inference, solution
摘 要:英语学习中“听”处于基础的、重要的地位,如何帮助学生派出听力障碍、掌握听力技巧、提高听力水平是我们老师着力探讨的问题之一。这篇文章分析了在听力过程中存在的一些问题。在听力过程中,听不懂往往是由语音造成的,在听一段复杂的文章和对话时,学生往往是一个句子一个句子孤立的听。因此,不能根据上下文做出推论。他们不能根据变化细节区分主题句;结果导致他们对所听材料的主要意思不能确定,词汇也是理解听力文章的障碍之一。为了解决这些问题,此论文提出了一些解决方案,如听写、预测和记忆等等。
1. The problems existing in listening………………………………………1
1.1 The problems of the sounds………………………………………2
1.2 The problems of the vocabulary………………………………………4
1.3 The problems of finding out the main idea or the topic………………4
1.4 The problems of making inference………………………………7
2. Solutions to the problems existing in listening………………………8
2.1 Solutions to the problems concerning sounds…………………9
2.2 Solutions to the problems concerning vocabulary……………………10
2.3 Solutions to the problems concer
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