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本科毕业论文 (2013届) 题 目 安瑞医疗器械(杭州)有限公司营销渠道策略探讨 系 管理学院 专 业 市场营销 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2013.05.29 诚 信 承 诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《安瑞医疗器械(杭州)有限公司营销渠道策略探讨》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日 摘要 随着中国医疗体制的逐渐改革,我国医药企业也面临着前所未有的挑战。近几年来,医疗器械市场的不断发展,医疗器械产品也层出不穷,种类繁多,呈现出医疗器械市场购销两旺的景象,但高额的利润仍吸引着大量的进入者,包括国外的医疗器械公司巨头纷纷入驻中国市场。企业之间竞争不断加剧,同时,国内的中小医疗器械公司的营销渠道混乱,没有一个科学完善的营销渠道管理系统,对销售人员、代理商的管理不当,导致企业生存环境越加恶劣。 以此背景,笔者结合安瑞医疗器械(杭州)有限公司实例,通过对其渠道策略的分析,找出问题,提出优化方案,重新设计新的营销渠道管理措施。此论文内容包括目前医疗器械行业的市场环境、渠道的概念及作用、中间商功能理论、交易成本理论、渠道设计,渠道成员的选择等,力图在当今“渠道为王”的市场环境下,发现公司渠道存在的问题,进行渠道改革设计,对渠道有效的管理以取得竞争优势,达成公司战略。 关键词:营销渠道管理;医疗器械;渠道策略;渠道设计 ABSTRACT With the gradual reform of the health care system, pharmaceutical enterprises in China are also facing unprecedented challenges. In recently, the continuous development of the medical device market, medical device products are endless, and a wide range of showing prosperity sight of the medical equipment market, but the high profits still attracts a large number of entrants, including foreign medical device companies settled in the Chinese market. Competition among enterprises is growing, at the same time, the domestic small and medium-sized medical device company sales channels confusion, there is no scientific system of marketing channel management, sales staff, agent’s mismanagement, leading enterprises increasingly harsh living environment. Therefore, the author combines Anrei Medical (HZ) Co., Ltd. instance, through the analysis of its channel strategy, identify problems, optimization proposal to redesign a new marketing channel management measures. The content of this paper include the current market environment of the medical device industry, the concept and role of the channel, middlemen function theory, transaction cost theory, channel design, the choice of channel mem


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