
本科八层框架手算计算书 大学论文.doc

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本科八层框架手算计算书 大学论文

本科毕业设计八层框架手算计算书 摘 要 本工程为郑州市瑞都花园酒店,主体八层,局部为单层裙房。建筑物总高度为27.45m,占地面积约为1341.1㎡。总建筑面积约为7194.2㎡。主体部分结构形式总体上成“一”字型,本建筑物抗震等级为三级,抗震设防烈度为7度,设计使用年限为50,设计基准期为50年。基本雪压为0.4kN/㎡,屋盖和楼盖采用现浇钢筋混凝土楼板。 本设计选用横向第6轴线的中间框架进行结构设计,考虑竖向恒、活荷载以及考虑地震作用。在确定结构布置之后,先进行重力荷载代表值的计算,接着利用由质量法求出的顶点位移求出结构自振周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震作用的大小,从而求出在水平地震作用下的结构内力(框架弯矩、剪力、轴力)。然后利用弯矩二次分配法和静力平衡原理计算竖向荷载(包括恒载、活载)作用下的结构内力,进而进行框架的内力组合,并找出最不利的一组或几组组合内力,进行梁、柱等构件配筋计算。此外还进行了结构布置中的室内楼梯的设计,完成了平台板、梯段板、平台梁等构件的内力分析和配筋计算。本结构采用横向框架柱下条形基础(纵向布置基础连系梁),并对基础进行了地基承载力、受冲切承载力和配筋计算,最后绘制出该房屋的结构施工图。 关键词:地震作用、竖向荷载作用、内力组合、截面设计。 Abstract This project is Rui Garden Hotel in Zhengzhou City.It contains main partcomposed of eight floors and local single-layer skirt.The building whose total height is 27.45m covers an area of approximately 1341.1 square meters.The total floor area is approxi-mately 7194.2 square meters. The main part ofthe overall structure is about straight. The buildings seismic rating is the 3rd level. The seismic fortification intensity is 7thdegree.The de-signlife span is 50 years and the design basis is also 50 years.The basi-c snowpressure is 0.4 KN per square meter.The structure of roof and floor is reinfoc-ed concrete board. This design uses intermediate framework for the structural design of the horizontal axis 6. To consider the vertical constant and live load,as well as the horizontal direct-ion earthquake is essential.Having determining the structural arrangement,I firstly calcu-lated gravity loads representativevalue. Then, I use the vertex displacement obtained b-ythe mass method to calculate the structural natural periods.And then I calculate the size of the horizontal forcewith seismic base shear method.Thus obtained the internal force of the structure(moment,shear and axial force) under the horizontal seismic.And then I use the Moment Distribution Method and static balance principle to calculate t-he structures internal forces under the dead and live load. Then I caculated internal force combinat



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