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本科多媒体教学设备维护 大学论文

ZHEJIANG WATER CONSERVANCY AND HYDROPOWER COLLEGE 毕业设计(论文) 题  目: 浙江工商大学多媒体教学设备维护 系 (部): 计算机与信息工程系 专业班级: 应用09-1 姓 名: 江少云 学 号: 200990162 指导教师: 丰龙 (校外) 指导教师: 谢楠 (校内) 迄止时间:2011 年11 月 1 日~ 2012 年 4 月 27日 2012 年 4 月 25 日 浙江工商大学多媒体教学设备维护 作者:江少云  指导教师:谢楠 摘要 随着社会经济的迅速发展,计算机在各个领域都发挥着越来越重要的作用,所以计算机的日常维护是必不可少的。尤其是在大学的教学环境中,多媒体教室是教师教学中重要的信息技术教学工具。多媒体教室是由多种现代化教学设备组成的,如:计算机、投影仪、无线话筒、无线鼠标(激光教鞭)、还原卡等。如果关键的时候,这些设备出了点问题的话,难免会对工作带来不便,影响正常的办公。因此,每个多媒体教室都必须配备一套完整的维护措施。 本人结合浙江工商大学多媒体教学设备维护毕业实践经历,简单介绍了高校多媒体教学设备的基本知识、联想硬盘保护系统的安装应用,详细分析了几个实习过程中典型的设备维护与维修。 关键字 浙江工商大学;多媒体教学设备;联想硬盘保护系统;故障维修 Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, computer in every field plays a more and more important role, so the computer daily maintenance is indispensable. Especially in university teaching environment, multimedia classroom teachers teaching is the important information technology teaching tool. Multimedia classroom is by a variety of modern teaching equipment composition, such as: computer, projectors, wireless microphone, wireless mouse (laser pointer), reduction card, etc. If the key of time, the equipment is the biggest questions, hard to avoid can work to bring inconvenience, affecting the normal office. Thus, each of the multimedia classroom must be equipped with a complete set of maintenance measures. I combined with Zhejiang Gongshang University multimedia teaching equipment maintenance graduation practice experience, simple introduced the university the multimedia teaching the basic knowledge of equipment, lenovo hard disk protection system installation applications, a detailed analysis for practice teaching process typical equipment maintenance and repair. Keywords Zhejiang Gongshang University; The multimedia teaching equipment; Lenovo hard disk protection systems; maintenance 目 录 摘要 I 关键字 I Abstract II Keywords II 引言 1 1 浙江工商大学多媒体设备 2 1.1 浙江工商大学多媒体



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