
初中正数与负数教学设计研究 大学论文.doc

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初中正数与负数教学设计研究 大学论文

目录 摘要 3 一、“0”、负数的出现和中国古代数学教育及教学设计概念 (一)中国古代“0”和负数的出现与中国古代数学教育 (二)教学设计的概念 二、教学设计的重要性 三、教学设计的原则 (一)系统性原则 (二)程序性原则 (三)可行性原则 (四)反馈性原则 四、教学设计 (一)课标及教材分析 1.课标分析 2.教材分析 6 (二)学情分析 (三)学法 1.学法分析 6 2.教法分析 6 ()教学目标 1.教学目标 6 2.教学重、难点 (五)教学过程 1.创设情景,揭示课题 2.复习旧知,探究新知 3.例题示范,学会应用 4.归纳总结 5.巩固练习,学以致用 6.课堂小结 7.布置作业 ()反思评价 参考文献 11 致谢 12 内容摘要:数学是我国古代科学中的一门重要学科,其发展源远流长、成就辉煌,中国古代数学以解决实际问题为目标,研究建立算法与提高计算技术,而且寓理于算,理论高度概括。我国是世界上最早进行数学教育的国家之一私学在我国教育史上占有重要的地位。实用性原则是我国古代数学教育所一贯倡导的,教育的方式是从经验出发,从实际出发,建立原理公式,以期解决实践当中出现的各式各样的具体问题。教学设计是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。教学设计之于课堂就如同建筑设计之于建筑。一堂好课是需要一个好的教学设计支撑的,所以教学设计对于我们以后的教学非常为之重要。abstract:Mathematics is an important subject in science in ancient China, and its development has a long history, achievements, Chinas ancient mathematics to solve real problems for the goal, established algorithm and improvement of computing technology, and combine acting with, and summarizes the theory. China is one of the first countries to mathematics education, private schools occupy an important place in the history of education in China. Practical principles of mathematics education in ancient China has consistently advocated, the way education is from personal experience, from reality, establishing principles of formula, with a view to resolve a wide range of specific issues in the practice. Instructional design is according to the characteristics of curriculum standards and students, orderly arrangement of teaching elements, determining appropriate teaching programme ideas and plans. General teaching objectives, teaching points, teaching methods, steps and time allocation and so on. Teaching design for the classroom as architectural design to architecture. A good lesson is the need for a better support of instructional design, instructional design for our teaching is very important. Instructional design is divided into systemic, procedural, feasibility, and feedback of the



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