
大连中兴奔驰汽车销售系统说明书 大学论文.doc

大连中兴奔驰汽车销售系统说明书 大学论文.doc

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大连中兴奔驰汽车销售系统说明书 大学论文

摘要 大连中兴奔驰4S店是大连奔驰汽车的主要出售地点,在大连被誉为奔驰世家。大连中兴奔驰由于创建较早,所以到目前为止该公司还没有实现企业内部管理的信息化。而目前我国大部分汽车销售行业已经具有了自己的信息化的管理系统,因此大连中兴奔驰选择开发自己的销售系统。 本系统是针对大连中兴奔驰为其量身定做属于它自己的汽车销售系统。本系统包括九大主功能模块,即客户管理,用户管理,车辆管理,销售管理,业务管理,统计查询,售后服务,理赔管理,绩效考核等主要功能模块,每一个主要的功能模块下还包含若干个子功能模块,比如客户管理模块下就包含了档案管理,通讯录管理,来电回访,跟踪回访,客户类型和成交率等几个子功能模块。 本系统采用ASP进行编程设计,整个系统的设计采用B/S架构的设计方法,实现企业内部的管理。系统的后台数据库采用Access作为后台数据库,用来存储数据。本文主要介绍了系统的开发背景,系统的需求分析以及系统的数据库设计与系统功能模块的实现,并从从多方面介绍了本系统的功能。 关键词:大连中兴奔驰 信息化 管理系统 汽车销售系统 Abstract Dalian Benz 4 s shop is dalian zte of mercedes-benz, the main sales site is known as a mercedes-benz family in dalian. Because of dalian zte mercedes-benz was create earlier, so the company has not yet to reach the company internal management informationization. But at present our country most car sales industry already have their own information management system, so the dalian zte Mercedes choose to develop their own sales system. This system is for dalian zte Mercedes tailored its own car sales system. This system includes nine main function module, the customer management, user management, vehicle management, sales management, business management, statistics inquiry, after-sale service, claims management, performance appraisal and other major functional modules, each of the main function module also contains several child function module, such as customer management module contains the file management, under the address book management, telephone pays a return visit, follow up, customer type and sell-through rate function module. This system USES ASP programming design, the design of the whole system adopts B/S architecture, the design method of the implementation of enterprise internal management. System of background database USES Access database as the background, used to store data. This article mainly introduced the system development background, system requirements analysis and system design and the realization of the system function module, database and the func



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