
单片机路灯控制系统设计【 +文献综述+开题报告】 大学论文.doc

单片机路灯控制系统设计【 +文献综述+开题报告】 大学论文.doc

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PAGE 42 PAGE III ( 2011 届) 毕业设计 题 目: 单片机路灯控制系统设计 姓  名:     专  业:  电子信息工程 班  级:    学 号: 指导教师:      导师职称:                2011年 4月 28日 PAGE 43 单片机路灯控制系统设计 摘 要 单片机路灯控制系统是一种新型智能控制系统,可根据季节交替引起的天气变化和用户的不同需要,通过按键进行调节,能起到明显的节能效果。 该路灯控制系统设计主要包含硬件系统设计和软件系统设计。硬件系统主要由时钟发生电路、电路控制电路、LCD显示电路、声光报警电路、键盘控制电路和单片机控制电路等部分组成。在时钟发生电路中,采用低功耗实时时钟电路芯片DS1302,它可以对年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒进行计时,计时后,经过单片机的控制处理后从显示屏上将计时的数据显示出来。而路灯控制部分通过对外部环境进行检测,实现不同环境的不同操作,从而实现不同功能。软件部分主要需结合硬件系统,绘制程序流程图,编写相应的程序,使得单片机路灯系统能智能,自动地运作路灯,排查故障。 关键词:单片机,时钟电路,路灯控制 SCM based street lamp control system design Abstract SCM street lamp control system is a new type of intelligent control system, can according to seasonal alternate climate changes cause and the different needs of customers, through the buttons on the adjustment, can have obvious effect in energy saving. This street lamp system consists of hardware system design and software system design. hardware system design include clock circuit, lamp control circuit, LCD display circuit, sound and light alarm circuitry, keyboard control circuitry and single-chip controlling circuit. In the clock section, with the trickle charge current capacity of low-power real time clock circuit chip DS1302, the years, mouths, days, Sundays, hours, minutes and seconds can be counted, after MUC control processing the timing data will be displayed. Through testing the external environment, the lamp control part will be achieve different operating and various different functions. Software of main need hardware system combined. Drawing program flow chart, Write the corresponding program, Make SCM street lamp system can intelligence, automatic operation fault lamps, the grate. Keywords: Single Chip Micyoco,Clock Circuit,Lamp Control 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc277841482 \h III Abstract PAGEREF _



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