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广西大学 毕业设计 题目: 220KV变电站双母线双失灵保护整定及识图 学 部: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二〇一六 年 六 月 中 文 摘 要 电力是当今世界使用最为广泛、地位最为重要的能源之一,电力系统的安全稳定运行对国民经济、人民生活乃至社会稳定都有着极为重大的影响。 电力系统继电保护是反映电力系统中电气设备发生故障或不正常运行状态而动作于断路器跳闸或发生信号的一种自动装置。随着电力系统的飞速发展对继电保护不断提出新的要求,电子技术、计算机技术与通信技术的飞速发展又为继电保护技术的发展不断地注入了新的活力。 本次毕业设计的题目是220kv变电站双母线双失灵保护整定及识图,是根据南方电网的整定细则,按照有关规定和规范对220KV变电站双母线保护进行整定计算的,包括主接线的绘制,母线保护柜的视图学习以及短路电流计算等。设计中首先通过学习了解厂家资料,进而绘制出电气主接线图,其次分别在最大运行方式下和最小运行方式下进行了短路电流的计算,通过识图学习,了解厂家资料,认识设备,了解工程概况,进而对整定计算更好的把握。通过精细的整定计算,系统中的每个保护装置才能一起安全地进行工作。 关键词:220kv变电站 整定计算 短路电流计算 母线失灵保护 220KV substation dual bus dual failure protection setting and general map Abstract Electricity is one of the most widely used and the most important energy in the world. The safe and stable operation of power system has a very important influence on the national economy, peoples life and even social stability. Power system relay protection is a kind of automatic device which reflects the fault or abnormal operation state of electric equipment in power system. With the rapid development of the electric power system of relay protection continuously put forward new requirements and the rapid development of electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology and the development of relay protection technology constantly inject new vitality. The topic of this graduation design is 220kV substation dual bus dual failure protection setting and image recognition is tuning rules, in accordance with the relevant provisions and norms of 220kV substation double bus bar protection of setting calculation, including the main wiring of rendering, busbar protection cabinet view learning and short-circuit current calculation according to China Southern Power Grid. Design first by learning to understand the information on manufacturers, and then draw the main electrical wiring diagram, followed by under the



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