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电子气专业(外文翻译) 大学论文
Translated from: XiongFusheng, DC Switching Power Supply Protection Technology, Guangzhou:The World of Power Supply [P],2002.2.
DC Switching Power Supply Protection Technology
Abstract: The DC switching power supply protection system, protection system design principles and machine protection measures, an analysis of switching power supply in the range of protected characteristics and its design methodology,introduced a number of practical protection circuit.
Keywords: switching power supply protection circuit system design
1、Introduction DC switching regulator used in the price of more expensive high-power switching devices, the control circuit is also more complex, In addition, the load switching regulators are generally used a large number of highly integrated electronic systems installed devices. Transistors and integrated device tolerance electricity, less heat shocks. Switching Regulators therefore should take into account the protection of voltage regulators and load their own safety. Many different types of circuit protection, polarity protection, introduced here, the program protection, over-current protection, over-voltage protection, under-voltage protection and over-temperature protection circuit. Usually chosen to be some combination of protection, constitutes a complete protection system.
2、polarity protection DC switching regulator input are generally not regulated DC power supply. Operating errors or accidents as a result of the situation will take its wrong polarity, switching power supply will be damaged. Polarity protection purposes, is to make the switching regulator only when the correct polarity is not connected to DC power supply regulator to work at. Connecting a single device can achieve power polarity protection. Since the diode D to flow through switching regulator input total current, this circuit applied in a low-power switching regulator more suitable. Power in the larger occasion, while the polarity protection circuit as a proc
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