
光华车站接触网工程设计 电气工程及自动化专业(设计) 大学论文.doc

光华车站接触网工程设计 电气工程及自动化专业(设计) 大学论文.doc

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光华车站接触网工程设计 电气工程及自动化专业(设计) 大学论文

摘  要 本设计的目的是完成光华车站接触网工程设计,按工程要求绘制接触网平面设计图和接触网设备装配图。 本设计首先对光华车站接触网工程背景、设计范围、设计依据及设计目标做了简要叙述,并对设计需要完成的各项主要工作进行了描述。结合光华车站实际,设计中充分考虑了当地气象环境和线路情况的条件,进行了线材选择和站场布置,并进行了接触网控制参数、设计时速、风偏移值、最大跨距以及锚段长度的计算,分析了光华车站软横跨结构图,进行了预制计算,接着按照放图、支柱布置、锚段划分、接触线拉出值确定、支柱类型确定、场内典型支柱的校验等步骤,绘制了满足高速电气化铁路要求的光华车站接触网平面设计图,最后对光华车站接触网设备装配图的设计要求及主要参数进行了说明。 本文依照接触网的设计规范,确定了设计中所必需的各种技术参数。然后对特殊跨距和典型支柱容量进行了校验计算,依此对接触网进行了相应的调整,以使其满足高速电气化铁路的技术要求。 本设计结合实际,图纸设计符合现场要求,对类似工程设计可提供一定的参考价值。 关键词:电气化铁路;接触网;设计计算;平面设计图 Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to finish the design of overhead contact system(OCS) project for Guanghua Railway Station, and to draw its graphic draft and device assembly drawing. First of all, the project background, design scope, design standards and design purpose of are presented, and main works for the design are sketched. Under the comprehensive consideration of the local meteorological environment and line situation with combination of current situation of Guanghua Railway Station, the line material selection and station arrangement are carried out, and some control parameters, design speed, wind deviant and length of anchor-section are calculated, and head span suspension structure draft is analyzed, and then the prefabricated values are calculated, after then the graphic design draft for Guanghua Railway Station is drawn according to the following procedures, that is, frame design, anchor-section partitioning, contact line stagger determination, support-post type selection and local typical support-post verification with the requirements of high-speed electrified railway met. Finally, the design demands and main parameters of OCS for Guanghua Railway Station are expounded. Referring to the design standard of catenary system, the thesis determines the necessary technical parameters, and then checks the capacity of supporting poles and verifies the special span length. On the grounds of the proceedings, the thesis adjusts the overhead contact line so that the technical requirements of h


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