
赫山大桥桥型方案设计计算书 土木工程(桥隧工程方向)专业 大学论文.doc

赫山大桥桥型方案设计计算书 土木工程(桥隧工程方向)专业 大学论文.doc

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赫山大桥桥型方案设计计算书 土木工程(桥隧工程方向)专业 大学论文

赫山大桥桥型方案设计 摘 要: 本次毕业设计课题名称为“赫山大桥桥型方案设计”,在桥型方案设计中,初步拟定了四个桥型,在方案选择中采用了三个桥型方案,通过工程造价概算和模糊数学综合评判法,确定的推荐方案为“混凝土箱梁斜拉桥”(30m+30m+140m+260m+140m+30m+30m),并对30mT梁的引桥内力配筋进行桥博电算,对推荐方案的交接墩和桥台构造进行手工绘图,本毕业设计提高了我们在桥型方案中涉及到的结构、受力、造价、绘图的实际工作能力。通过本次设计我学到了各种桥梁设计和计算软件的运用方法,桥梁比选中模糊数学综合评判法的运用以及各种桥型结构中构造要求的知识,安全和技术要求。对本专业的专业知识进一步进行了巩固,同时对专业知识的运用也更加灵活和娴熟。而从另外一个方面上来说,本次设计虽然工作量大,时间紧凑,难点较多,但是锻炼了我们的意志力,为我们今后的工作做了一次提前的演练,让我们熟悉了自己今后毕业后的工作性质,为我们打了一针强心剂,认识到土木工程设计工作的艰苦性,复杂性,磨炼出坚韧的心志来面对繁琐量大的设计步骤,打造了自我思考和探究的独立性 关键词:赫山大桥 方案比选 CAD绘图 桥型设计 Heshan Bridge Bridge type scheme design Student:Zhu liang Guiding Teacher:Jin zhirong Abstract: This graduation design topic name for Heshan bridge bridge type scheme design, in the bridge type scheme design, preliminary protocol the four bridge, the scheme uses three bridge type scheme, through project cost estimate and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, determining the recommended program for concrete box girder cable-stayed bridge (30m+30m+140m+260m+140m+30m+30m ), and 30mT beam bridge internal force reinforcement for bridge Bo computer, on the recommendation of the pier and abutment construction handover scheme for manual drawing, the graduation design and improve our in bridge scheme relates to the structure, stress, cost, drawing ability in practical work. Through this design I learned a variety of bridge design and calculation software to use a method, comparison and selection of bridge comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy mathematics and the use of various bridge structure construction requirement of knowledge, safety and technology requirements. On the professional knowledge to further consolidate, at the same time, the application of professional knowledge is more flexible and skilled. And from another aspect, this design although workload is big, time is compact, there are many difficulties, but exercise our willpower, for us the job henceforth made an early exercise, let us know their future after graduation to work nature, as we hit stitch card



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