
火电厂凝结水泵变频改造 大学论文.doc

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火电厂凝结水泵变频改造 大学论文

火电厂凝结水泵变频改造 摘要 变频器节能主要表现在风机、水泵的应用上。为了保证生产的可靠性,各种生产机械在设计配用动力驱动时,都留有一定的富余量。当电机不能在满负荷下运行时,除达到动力驱动要求外,多余的力矩增加了有功功率的消耗,造成电能的浪费。风机、泵类等设备传统的调速方法是通过调节入口或出口的挡板、阀门开度来调节给风量和给水量,其输入功率大,且大量的能源消耗在挡板、阀门的截流过程中。当使用变频调速时,如果流量要求减小,通过降低泵或风机的转速即可满足要求。 变频调速首先要把三相或单相交流电变换为直流电(DC)。然后再把直流电(DC)变换为三相或单相交流电(AC)。变频器同时改变输出频率与电压,也就是改变了电机运行曲线上的n0,使电机运行曲线平行下移。 关键词 :变频改造;节流;经济;节能;凝结水泵 Abstract The inverter energy-saving performs in the fan, water pump application. In order to ensureing the reliability of the production, a variety of production machinery design with power-driven, have left a certain amount of surplus. When the motor does not run at full load, in addition to power-driven requirements, the extra torque to increase the active power consumption, resulting in a waste of electricity. Traditional speed control of fans, pumps and other equipment is adjusted by adjusting the inlet or outlet baffle, the valve opening to the air flow and to water, its input power, and a lot of energy consumption in the bezel, the valve closure process in. When using the Frequency Control, if the flow requirement is reduced by lowering the pump or fan speed to meet the requirements. First of all the VVVF take the three-phase or single phase AC power is converted to direct current (DC). Then current (DC) is transformed into three-phase or single phase AC power (AC). At the same time it changes the output frequency and voltage inverter and changes the motor running on the curve of n0, running down the curve of the motor running. Key words: Frequency transformation; Throttle; economy; Energy conservation; Condensate pump 目录 摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………2 1绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………5 1.1变频改造背景……………………………………………………………………………5 1.2变频器发展情况…………………………………………………………………………5 2凝结水泵变频改造前材料…………………………………………………………………6 2.1首阳山发电厂的基本介绍………………………………………………………………6 2.2三号汽轮机基本介绍……………………………………………………………………6 2.2.1三号汽轮机介绍…………………………………………



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