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本科学生毕业设计 基于单片机的电子校音器设计 院系名称: 电气与信息工程学院 专业班级:测控技术与仪器08-2班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Design of Electronic Sound Calibrating Device Based on MCU Candidate: Specialty:Measurement-Control Technology and Instrumentation Class:08-2 Supervisor:Associate Prof. Qu Guibo Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 目前市面上现有的乐器校音器有很多种,传统校音器只能使乐器的音调精确到一定范围,在很大程度上还依赖乐师的听力和判断,这对于广大的乐器初学者是极其不方便的。基于单片机的电子校音器设计正是为了克服传统校音器的各种缺点而设计的,并且其使用方法可以为广大的乐器初学者所掌握,对乐器的学习提供进阶的辅助,并可以为多种乐器如吉他、小提琴、琵琶等需要经常校音的乐器校音,便于随身携带,有助于培养音乐爱好者们的乐感和听力,从而在音乐学习过程中事半功倍。 本设计采用AT89S52单片机作为单片机电子校音器的核心,以MAX9812L作为音频放大芯片,LM567作为音频译码芯片。校音时不需发出标准音,空弦音由校音器的话筒输入,用单片机对音高的误差进行计算,并把频率的误差转换为音乐上所用的音分的误差,再通过数码管显示出来,具有使用方便、直观、调音精度高的特点。 关键字:乐器;电子校音器;单片机;数码管;音分误差 ABSTRACT At the present there are a lot of kinds of tuners at the market for the musical instrument.Traditional tuners have their own limitation,they can only standardize the musical instrument’s tonality on a certain limits.This characteristic make the tuners in the very great degree that the calibration rely on musicians listening and judgment .it make extremely unconvenient for the beginner of music.We design the tuner based on MCU to overcome the weakness of the traditional tuners.This characteristic can be used for the majority of the musical instrument beginners master.And it can help the beginner of music to improve their study.So the beginner can do less for more on their study.This tuner can calibrat a lot of musical instrument,such as guitar, violin, lute and so on.The tuner is convenient to carry in. This curriculum design use AT89S52 MCU to make tuner. When it is calibrating it need not a standard pronunciation.The open string put in the tuner though the microphone.This tuner use MCU to seek the error of calculation and traslation the error to cent error.Then display it by LEDs.This characteristic make the


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