
基于matlabsimulink风电机组并网运行特性分析 大学论文.doc

基于matlabsimulink风电机组并网运行特性分析 大学论文.doc

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基于matlabsimulink风电机组并网运行特性分析 大学论文

山 东 科 技 大 学 本科毕业设计论文 题目基于MATLAB/Simulink风电机组并网运行特性分析 学 院 名 称 信息与电气工程学院 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化09-2班 学生姓名 罗阳百 学 号 200901100818 指 导 教 师 曹娜 2013年6月13日 本文首先分析了国内外风力发电的发展和现状,阐述了风力发电的基本原理。通过对我国目前应用比较广泛的双馈异步风力发电机和直驱永磁同步电机进行比较,可以看出双馈异步风力发电系统具有明显的优越性。然后,本文建立了双馈型异步风力发电系统的数学模型。通过模型的建立,在MATLAB/Simulink仿真环境下实现了风力发电系统的动态仿真,分析了风电场并网的运行特性,探讨了并网风电场与电网之间的相互影响,特别是对输出功率和电压质量的影响。 关键词:双馈异步风力发电机、MATLAB/Simulink仿真、风速、动态仿真 ABSTRACT Wind power as a kind of renewable green power resources has been received extensive attention in recent years. With the development of wind industry in China and the expansion of the scale of wind farms, the influence brought by large wind farms connected to power systems has become greater and greater. Therefore,the research on the impact of wind farms connected to power systems is an important issue that should be solved urgently. Firstly, the development and recent status of wind power in the world and in China, the characteristics and some technical problems of wind power are analyzed in this paper. The principle of wind power is studied. The operating characteristics of doubly-fed induction motors and direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous motor used in our country are compared in. Through the comparison, we can see that the wind power system with DFIG shows the obvious superiority. Secondly, a series of dynamic mathematics models of wind turbine generator based on the doubly-fed induction wind power system are set. Through Which, the Simulation is developed using MATLAB/Simulink tools by the dynamic mathematics models. The function characteristics of large grid-connected wind farm are analyzed and the interactions of wind power and the grid,especially to the power output and voltage quality,are researched.Key words: Doubly-fed induction wind turbine, MATLAB/Simulink Simulation, Wind speed, Dynamic simulation 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外风力发电的发展和现状 2 1.3 风电并网对电力系统的影响


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