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安徽工程大学本科 毕业设计(论文) 专 业: 自动化 题 目: 基于PLC的水厂滤池 自动控制系统设计 作 者 姓 名: 导师及职称: 导师所在单位: 电气工程学院 2012 年 6 月 13日 基于PLC的水厂滤池自动控制系统设计 摘 要 水厂供水对人们至关重要。随着现代城市社会和经济的发展,城市用水量不断增加,供水量不足己成为城市发展的瓶颈,而地下水资源的利用已近饱和,增加地表水供应量是解决供水不足问题的唯一可行途径。供水不仅要满足管网的需要、保证充足供水,还要求水质明显提高。因此对水厂关键工艺进行升级改造,以提高其水处理能力,增加出水量,是满足城市发展需要的有效途径。滤池是水厂常规处理净构筑物的最后一道工序,滤池运行的好坏直接影响到水厂的出水水质。 论文的研究目标是系统的解决供水企业的自动控制滤池反冲洗工艺复杂,如果仍然沿用人工方式,劳动强度大,工作效率低,安全性难以保障,为此必须进行滤池自动化系统的改造。 本文主要进行如下工作:对供水企业自动化的发展历史、自动化系统类型以及供水企业自动化的应用状进行了详尽的分析和综述。对水厂滤池工艺做了简要介绍。滤池的液位控制以及反冲洗控制和控制策略作了分析。相关PLC硬件联接以及程序的编写和组态仿真。 关键词:PLC;水厂滤池;反冲洗;液位控制 The Design of Filter Pool Automatic Control System in Waterworks based on PLC Abstract Water plant water supply is essential for people. As the modern urban society and economic development, urban water consumption continued to increase water supply insufficient has become the bottleneck of the urban development, the use of groundwater resources is nearly saturated, increasing the supply of surface water is the only feasible way to solve the problem of inadequate water supply. Water supply not only to meet the needs of the pipe network, to ensure adequate water supply, but also significantly improve the water quality. Therefore, the critical process of the water plant upgrade to improve its water treatment capacity, increasing the amount of water is an effective way to meet the needs of urban development. The filter is the last of the waterworks net structure of the conventional treatment process, the filter is running a direct impact on water quality of the water treatment plant. The goal of this thesis is a systematic approach to solving water supply automatic control filter backwash process, the continued use of artificial means, labor-intensive, low efficiency, security is difficult to protect, and this must be the transformation of the filter automation systems. In this paper, the following work: A detailed analysis and synthesi



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