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摘要:随着现代物流技术和经济全球化的飞速发展,在“高度竞争”的市场环境中,企业之间的供应链的竞争也愈发激烈,企业也更经常的被供应链风险所困扰,通过对于供应链风险分担机制的合理设计和利用供应链期权订货契约都可以供应商和分销商分担风险最终达到供应链利润最大化的目的。因此,本文着重研究供应风险共担下的。通过对于供应链、供应链风险、供应链风险、供应链风险分担、供应链期权订货策略等理论的分析研究,结合敏感性分析得出供应链期权策略如何基于供应链风险分担来实现供应链成员之间的相互协调与合作。最后分析比对,得出基于供应风险分担的供应链期权订货的结论和完善建议。 关键词:供应链;供应风险分担;期权;订货策略 Abstract: With the rapid development of modern logistics technology and economic globalization, the highly competitive market environment, competition in the supply chain between enterprises has become more intense, companies are more likely to be exposed in the supply chain risk, leading to supply chain rupture, and one way to resolve the supply chain risk is the risk-sharing supply chain, supply chain risk sharing mechanism can be rationally designed to avoid the risk of the entire supply chain confusion. Supply chain option ordering is an important part of the supply chain contracts, options in order to provide a mechanism for suppliers and distributors share the risk, risk-sharing existing supply relationship and supply chain Supply Chain Option Option Order Policy have the same purpose. Therefore, this paper focuses on risk-sharing under supply. Through the supply chain, supply chain risk, supply chain risk, risk-sharing supply chain, analysis of the theory of supply chain options - ordering policy, combined with sensitivity analysis results supply chain based on supply chain option strategies on how to implement risk-sharing supply chain members coordination and cooperation between. Finally, in connection with specific analysis of the data comparison, results based on supply risk-sharing supply chain ordering option conclusions and improvement recommendations. Key words: Supply chain; supply risk sharing; option; Ordering Policy 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 (一)研究背景及意义 1 (二)研究现状 3 (三)不足与自我创新 3 (四)技术路线 5 第二章 供应链风险概述 5 (一)供应链风险的相关理论 6 (二)供应风险分担 10 第三章 供应链期权订货策略概述 13 (一)供应链订货策略概述 13 (二)期权的相关概念 14 (三)供应链期权订货策略概述 16 第四章 基于供应风险分担的供应链期权订货



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