
基于物联网智能门窗设计系统 大学论文.doc

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基于物联网智能门窗设计系统 大学论文

江苏联合职业技术学院镇江分院 镇江高等职业技术学校 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 基于物联网智能门窗设计系统 系 名: 机电工程系 专 业: 机电一体化技术 姓 名: 顾遨宇 学 号: 112804406 指导教师: 陈蓉 二〇一六年五月 摘 要 过去10年间,互联网技术和应用取得巨大的突破,近些年随着全球信息技术革命的深入和3G网络的建设,“物联网”技术受到了广泛的关注,更是引起了国内学术界、工业界和新闻媒体的高度重视。“物联网”被称为继计算机、互联网之后,世界信息产业的第三次浪潮。美国权威咨询机构FORRESTER预测:到2020年,世界上物物互联的业务,跟人与人通信的业务相比,将达到30比1,因此,“物联网”被称为是下一个万亿级的通信业务。当前“物联网”的定义、国内在原理、体系结构和系统模型等方面还存在许多值得探讨的问题,但从“物联网”本质上看,“物联网”是现代信息技术发展到一定阶段后出现的一种聚合性应用与技术提升,将各种感知技术、现代网络技术和人工智能与自动化技术聚合与集成应用,使人与物智慧对话,创造一个智慧的世界。通过对现有“物联网”技术文献和应用实例的分析,来探讨“物联网”体系机构和关键技术的研究进行了阐述;分析实现物联网的五大核心技术,包括传感器、信息汇聚、通信、运营和应用技术。 本文介绍了物联网的相关概念、原理以及物联网的核心技术,最后,在利用单片机技术的基础上对物联网智能门窗系统进行设计和制作。 【关键词】物联网;传感技术;射频识别技术;RFID技术;互联网 ABSTRACT In the past 10years, the technology and application of the Internet have been got great achievements. The Internet of things is paid widely attention with the global information technology revolution and the construction of 3G in recent years. And Domestic scholars, Industry, and News media attach great importance to it. The Internet of things is named the third revolution in the world information industry following computer revolution and internet revolution. American Forrester said, By the year 2020, the number of the business of the things content compared with people of business communication will reach 30 to 1.Therefore it will have hundreds of thousands of communications business. At present the definition, inherent principle, construction and system of it is worth to discussion. The essence of The Internet of things is that modern information technology development to a certain extent emergence of an application and technology promotion jailing river, will all kinds of perception technology, modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology polymerization and integrated application, make people and things wisdom dialogue, creating a world of wisdom. I study t



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