
建筑类桥梁深水承台施工双壁钢吊箱围设计(加(外文翻译)) 大学论文.doc

建筑类桥梁深水承台施工双壁钢吊箱围设计(加(外文翻译)) 大学论文.doc

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建筑类桥梁深水承台施工双壁钢吊箱围设计(加(外文翻译)) 大学论文

桥梁深水承台施工双壁钢吊(套)箱 围堰设计 The Design of Steel Cofferdam Crane(Sets) Box for Construction of Pile Caps in Deep Water 摘 要 近年来我国修建了不少跨越大江大河甚至跨越海湾的深水基础,取得了很大的成绩。桥梁深水基础往往处于水深流急,地质条件极其复杂的环境,修建深水基础时采用的防水技术一般就是围堰和钢吊箱。双壁钢围堰具有结构强度高,防水性能好的特点,在桥梁深水基础中得到了广泛应用,并且它能承受较大的水压力,结构简单,施工简便。本设计就是对围堰进行结构和施工的设计。 根据承台尺寸()及水深()拟定围堰结构尺寸,在不同的施工工况荷载作用下对围堰的刃脚、壁板、竖肋、隔舱板、水平桁架等围堰各组成部分进行受力分析和验算,若不合格重新拟定尺寸,然后运用MIDAS有限元分析软件对围堰建模进行整体计算并将结果与手算结果进行对比分析,最后合理确定围堰分节下沉的施工方案。 关键词:深水基础 双壁钢围堰 有限元分析 施工方案 Abstract In recent years many deep water foundations overcrossing great rivers even the bay are constructed in China and reach great achievement.Bridge deep water foundation is usually in the environment of deep water, torrent and complicated geographic condition.At the general situation cofferdam and steel hanging box are used to construct the deep water foundations with the function of waterproof performance . The double-wall steel cofferdam is widely applied in bridge deep water foundation due to that it is of characteristics of high structural strength and good waterproof performance and the double-wall steel cofferdam can bear major water pressure with simple structure and convenient construction.The content of this paper is the design of structure and construction of confferdam. The structural dimension of confferdam is decided according to the cap size ()and the depth of water().The stress of component of cofferdam including edge foot , wainscot, vertical stiffening rib,compartment ,horizontal truss are analyzed and checked up under the action of different construction behaviour loads. The dimension must be study out again if the stress is cheked up to be ineligible.The finite element analysis software MIDAS is used to model the confferdam for holistic computation,then the result is compared with the result of manual calculations for contrastive analysis.Finally the construction scheme of stepped subsiding is determined in reason. Key words: deep water foundations


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