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单位代码 0 2 学 号 1101180030 分 类 号 TH6 密 级 毕业论文 拉拔加工工艺对高导铜合金线材组织的影响 院(系)名称 工学院机械系 专业名称 材料成型及控制工程 学生姓名 指导教师 2015年 05 月 10 日 拉拔加工工艺对高导铜合金线材组织的影响 摘 要 铜材具有良的导电性,,加入合金,加入合金,降低铜材的电导率。因此,研究一种在尽可能少的降低铜导线电导率情况下尽量提高铜导线强度的铜合金,就显得尤为重要。 本课题采用制备了Cu 及Cu-0.18% 高强高导合金线材,研究了拉拔工艺对Cu-Ag 合金强度与显微组织的影响。随变形程度的增加,合金抗拉强度在明显升高后趋于饱和。通过拉拔处理,Cu 及Cu-0.18% 合金组织细小均匀,极限抗拉强度和硬度均明显提高,导电率略有下降,综合性能得到提高。Cu-0.18% 合金比Cu 合金有更高的应变硬化速率和抗拉强度。本文还通过和相关文献的对比,讨论分析了铜银合金强化的手段和原理。 关键词:铜银合金高强高导拉拔工艺组织和性能 Effect of rocessing Technology on High Conductivity Copper Alloy Abstract Copper has good electrical conductivity,but not strong enough. To increase its strength, the need for alloy composition, and this will inevitably reduce the conductivity of copper. Therefore, it is particularly important to study of a reduction of as little as possible conductivity of copper wires as far as improving its strength. The filamentary strengthened alloys Cu-0.18%Ag and Cu were prepared by upward continuse casting method. The effect of drawing process on the tensile strength and microstructure was investigated. With increasing of drawing strain, the tensile strength of both alloys show an evident increase when drawing strain is in a certain range, and a slow increase when drawing strain is higher than a certain value. The microstructure of the filamentary strengthened alloys Cu-0.18%Ag and Cu is fine and diffuse,both UTS and hardness increased while the conductivity of copper is reduced.The Cu-0.18%Ag alloy has higher strain hardening rate and tensile strength than the Cu alloy.The means and theory to get higher strength is also discussed while compare to some related references. Keywords: Cu-Ag alloy,High-strength and High-conductivity,Drawing,Structure and Properties 目 录 1 1.1 铜及铜合金的概述 1 1.1.1 铜的性质及用途 1 1.1.2 铜合金的性质及用途 1.2 铜银合金 1.2.1 铜银合金发展历史及现状 1.2.2 铜



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