
离合器的设计 大学论文.doc

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离合器的设计 大学论文

毕业设计(论文) 离合器的设计 姓  名: 系(部): 专  业:  班  级: 学  号: 指导老师: 年 月 日 摘要 以内燃机在作为动力的机械传动汽车中,离合器是作为一个独立的总成而存在的。离合器通常装在发动机与变速器之间,其主动部分与发动机飞轮相连,从动部分与变速器相连。为各类型汽车所广泛采用的摩擦离合器,实际上是一种依靠其主、从动部分间的摩擦来传递动力且能分离的机构。离合器的主要功用是切断和实现发动机与传动系平顺的接合,确保汽车平稳起步;在换挡时将发动机与传动系分离,减少变速器中换档齿轮间的冲击;在工作中受到较大的动载荷时,能限制传动系所承受的最大转矩,以防止传动系个零部件因过载而损坏;有效地降低传动系中的振动和噪音。从而我选择用膜片离合器作为本设计。膜片离合器的优点:1.开有径向切槽的膜片弹簧既起压紧机构作用,又起分离杠杆作用。因而结构简单紧凑,轴向尺寸小、零件少、质量轻、容易平衡。2.膜片弹簧不像螺旋弹簧,在高速时会因离心力的作用而产生弯曲变形导致弹力下降,其压紧力与转速无关,即在高转速时仍然保持较大压紧力As the power to combustion in mechanical transmission automobiles, clutch is as an independent assembly. The clutch is usually served in the engine and transmission, the active part between connected with engine flywheel, driven and transmission. Various types of cars for widespread adoption of friction clutch, in fact, is a kind of depend on their part, driven to relay the friction between the power and the separation. The major function of the clutch is cut off and the realization of the engine and transmission, to ensure smooth, stable car When the shift in the engine and transmission of separation, reduce transmission gear shift between the impact, Work in the dynamic load is larger, can limit the transmission of maximum torque, in order to prevent the transmission parts of a damaged by overload, Reducing effectively the transmission of the vibration and noise1. The advantages of clutch opened with a radial cutting the diaphragm spring is up tightly, and separate agency leverage. So simple and compact structure, small size, axial parts, light quality, less to balance. 2 dont like diaphragm spring coil spring, when in high-speed centrifugal force produced by bending deformation cause tension, the compaction force and speed, in high speed is still keep larger clamping force Keywords, The clutch brake PRO/E CAD damping plate 目 录 第1章 绪 论 6 1.1离合器的发展 6 1.2膜片弹簧离合器的结构及其优点 7 1.2.1膜片弹簧离合器的结构 7 1.2.2膜片弹簧离合器的工作原理 8 1.2.3膜片弹簧离合器的优


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