
龙之梦酒店营销策略分析 答辩修改后定稿毕设论文.doc

龙之梦酒店营销策略分析 答辩修改后定稿毕设论文.doc

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龙之梦酒店营销策略分析 答辩修改后定稿毕设论文

沈 阳 理 工 大 学 应 用 技 术 学 院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:龙之梦酒店营销策略分析 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 学生姓名: 邢立杰 指导教师: 陈明 2014年 5月 9日 摘 要 本文以经济型酒店的典型代表——沈阳龙之梦酒店为研究对象,分析其营销策略。经济型酒店在行业内充满了发展希望,将会成为国内酒店业下一步发展的重点。一个成功的经济型酒店营销策略的应用至关重要。这能使经济型酒店在现如今激烈的竞争下脱颖而出,获得巨大的竞争力,是经济型酒店保持长期发展和持续竞争优势的一个重要保证。本文试图通过运用市场营销学的原理,探讨经济型酒店的市场营销策略等问题。首先,简单介绍说明选择题目的意义以及对龙之梦酒店进行企业的背景介绍;然后,运用所学的市场营销知识理论,从宏观和微观两方面对龙之梦酒店的市场环境做具体分析;其次,根据分析结果来研究龙之梦酒店的市场细分、市场定位及目标市场选择,在营销策略方面对产品、价格、渠道、促销策略进行分析;最后,发现龙之梦酒店在营销管理过程中存在哪些问题并及时提出意见建议进行改进,从而使龙之梦酒店效益显著提高,使其在沈阳的经济型酒店中获得最大收益,为其快速可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。 关键词:龙之梦酒店;经济型酒店;营销策略;swot分析 Abstract In this paper, the typical representative of Shenyang Econo Hotel -- Longemonthotel as the research object, analyze the marketing strategy. Economy hotel development within the industry is full of hope, will become the focus of domestic hotel industry further development. A successful economy hotel marketing strategy is very important for the application. This makes the economy hotel under the fierce competition in nowadays, the great competitiveness, is to maintain long-term budget hotel development and an important guarantee of sustainable competitive advantage.This paper attempts to use the principle of marketing, discusses the marketing strategy of budget hotels. First, a brief introduction of the essence of choose topic as well as an introduction to the background of the dragon dream hotel enterprise; Then, using my knowledge of marketing theory, from macroscopic and the microscopic two aspects to dragons dream hotel market environment to do concrete analysis; Secondly, according to the results of the analysis to the research of the dragon dream hotel market segmentation, market positioning and target market selection, in the aspect of marketing strategy of product, price, channel, promotion strategy analysis; Finally, found the dragon dream hotel what are the problems in the process of marketing management and timely



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