
龙幕饭店建筑给水排水工程 建筑给排水科学与工程专业 毕设论文.doc

龙幕饭店建筑给水排水工程 建筑给排水科学与工程专业 毕设论文.doc

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龙幕饭店建筑给水排水工程 建筑给排水科学与工程专业 毕设论文

重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 重庆市龙幕饭店建筑给水排水工程 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 专 业:给排水科学与工程 重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院 二O一O年六月 Graduation Design of Chongqing University Design of water supply and drainage Engineering in Longmu Hotel(Task 8) Undergraduate: Supervisor: Major: Program for Specialty in Water Wastewater Engineering College of Faculty of UrbanConstruction and Environmental Engineering Chongqing University June 2010 摘 要 本设计根据上级有关部门批准的设计任务书,在拟建一幢层的综合楼,该建筑总占地面积㎡,建筑面积为㎡,建筑高度m。地下2层,地上层,集商场、宾馆、餐饮、娱乐等于一体。该建筑的给水排水工程作为本次毕业设计题目主要完成了以下内容: (1)给水系统,分为个区,低区采用市政供水,宾馆部分采用水泵水箱联合供水具体分区情况见图纸。 (2)热水系统,宾馆部分需要供应热水,采用机械全循环全天候集中供水,为均衡水压,供水方案同冷水系统;采用立管回水。 (3)消防系统:包括消火栓给水系统、自动喷水灭火系统。 (4)排水系统:包括生活污水系统、及雨水排除系统。关键词:给水系统,热水系统,消防给水系统,排水系统 ABSTRACT According to the design assignment from upper department , this project is the design of a 16storey building in ChongQing. Accounting for ground 0.42ha total construction area of 19839.29㎡ construction total height m. The building,16 floors of which is above the ground and 2 floors of which are under the ground, may be used as commerce,hotel,drinking-eating place,entertainment. The water supply and drainage engineering of the building is just the work for our graduated design. The contents of the plan is as follows: Water supply system, divided into three area, the water for low area is from the municipal pipe directly, the water for the high area of hotel is supplied by a combine system of water pump and water tank. Hot water supply system, only hotel need hot water,the supply system of hot water is closed to water supply system, but it include back water system. Water supply of fire fighting:including fire hydrant and autonatism in sufflation system. Drainage system:including sanitary,waste-water and storm water Keywords:Water supply system,Hot water supply system,Water supply system of fire fighting,Drainge system 目录 摘 要 I 目录 III 引 言 1 重庆市龙慕饭店建筑给排水工程 2 第一篇 设计资料及任务 2 1 设计资料 2 1.1设计文件 2 1.2设计资料 2 1.2.1 建筑设计资料


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