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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 论宁波民营上市公司的核心竞争力 摘 要 经过三十年改革开放,我国的民营公司发展迅速,如今已成为一支重要的生力军,部分发展势头良好,并且具有了一定规模的公司纷纷成为了上市公司。为了更好更快地发展,行业内部逐渐产生了竞争,随着时间的发展,公司间竞争越来越激烈以至于白热化。宁波民营上市公司的发展速度名列浙江乃至中国的前列,这也就更加大了行业间的竞争压力。但是身处激烈竞争中的公司,如何站稳脚跟?又怎样做大做强?并始终保持竞争优势。这不仅是公司管理者一直在思考的问题,也是学术界讨论的焦点之一。近年来兴起的有关核心竞争力理论,为我们的讨论提供了一种新的思路和方法。本文着重对企业核心竞争力的发展、研究现状以及世界上所采用的主要研究和测评方法等进行阐述。又以宁波民营上市公司的龙头——宁波雅戈尔股份有限公司公司为例,对其进行分析和数据的研究,并找到该公司的优劣势,对其提出合理化的建议。 关键词: Abstract After three decades of reform and opening up, Chinas private enterprises have developed rapidly, has now become an important force, especially in small and medium manufacturing enterprises. In order to better and faster development of competition within the industry has the effect, as time goes on, more and more intense competition among enterprises so intense. Ningbo, small and medium pace of development of private manufacturing enterprises ranked the nation; it will be more big competition between industries. However, companies are in fierce competition, how to stand firm? How bigger and stronger? And always maintain a competitive advantage. This is not only business managers have been thinking about the issue, but also the focus of academic discussion. However, the emerging theory on core competencies, for a discussion of our new ideas and methods. This article focuses on the development of core competitiveness of enterprises, research status, and adopted the worlds major research and evaluation methods were described. Also Ningbo leading small and medium sized private manufacturing companies - Ningbo Younger Group Stock Limited Corporation, for example, its analysis and data research and find the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, the rationalization of its proposed recommendations. Keywords: Private Listed enterprise; core competitiveness; evaluation index system 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 选题的背景 1 1.2 选题的意义和目的 1 1.1.1 研究意义 1 1.1.2 研究的目的 2 2 相关理论研究 3 2.1 核心竞争力理论的基本内容和定义 3 2.2 核心竞争力理论的国内外研究现状 3 2.2.1 国内研究现状 3 2.2.2 国外研


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