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延 边 大 学 ( 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 摘 要 棉团铁线莲(Clematis hexapetala)是毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属(Clematis)多年生草本Abstract Clematis hexapetala, which belongs to Ranunculaceae Clematis is a kind of perennial herbs.According to the document investigation .Through the literature survey found that domestic reports of research on Clematis hexapetsla pall Chinese bulbul few, its research mainly focus on chemical composition research, but not yet involve microspore occurrence and male gametophyte problems. In order to bring Clematis hexapetsla pall early development and utilization, so Chinese bulbul study uses conventional paraffin technology, its microspore occurrence and male gametophyte development process of Chinese bulbul, revealing Clematis hexapetsla pall characteristic, embryology for the buttercup family, Clematis hexapetsla pall genera embryology research to develop, and accumulated data anther in vitro culture, hybrid breeding are to have the important meaning. The results of the study indicate that:The results indicated that the crose-section of anther was butterfly-shaped,each anther included four pollen sacs;microspore were tetrahedron-shaped;mature pollens were subglobose,two-cell type, with three germinal furrows;wall of pollen sac was consisted by four layers, epidermis(one layer),endothecium(one layer),middle layer(several layers) and tapetum(one layer);tapeta were secretor type. Key words:Clematis hexapetsla pall;microspore;male gametophyte 目 录 引 言 1 第一章 材料与方法 3 1.1材料 3 1.2方法 3 第二章 结果与分析 4 2.1 花药壁的发育 4 2.2小孢子发生与雄配子体形成 4 2.2.1 小孢子发生 4 2.2.2 雄配子体形成 4 结论与讨论 7 参考文献 8 谢 辞 10 引 言 棉团铁线莲(Clematis hexapetala pall.),别名山蓼草本黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、山西、陕西、甘肃东部、山东生于草地、林缘、沟谷、山坡林边或灌木丛中花期6~8月,果期7~10月以根和根茎入药C.hexapetala)、东北铁线莲C.manshurica)威灵仙药材之一。具有祛风除湿、通经活络、止痛、抗癌等功效[3-4]。临床上主要用于治疗风湿痹痛、屈伸不利、四肢麻木、跌打损伤以及胃癌、食管癌、体表良性肿瘤等,配合用药,可以减轻癌症患者放、化疗的不良反应。本品的根煎剂或浸剂可使麻醉狗的血压下降。对离体蟾蜍心脏有先抑制后兴奋的作用。根煎剂对小鼠、大鼠及家兔的离体肠管有明显的兴奋作用。棉团降低机体细胞免疫反应能力4 ℃低温条件下春化处理14 d,种子发芽率最高;在不同温度条件下,种子适宜萌发温度



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