
年产1000t茶多酚生产工艺设计 大学论文.doc

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年产1000t茶多酚生产工艺设计 大学论文

毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目: 年产1000吨茶多酚 生产工艺设计 学 院: 化学与材料工程学院 专 业: 生物工程 学 号: 201040850116 学生姓名: 陈婷 指导教师: 刘颋 2014 年 5 月 12 日 摘要 本文简要介绍了茶多酚(Tea.polyphenols,TP)的组成、结构、性质、应用及其提取理论,介绍了几种常见的茶多酚提取工艺,并对工艺进行了对比分析得出从低档绿茶中提取茶多酚的工业生产工艺,工艺的主要流程为:茶叶进锤式粉碎机粉碎至20-30目,经风送,进入到反应釜中,温度90°,15至20分钟后,经过离心机,液体通过膜过滤器进入到萃取罐中,经过三级逆流提取罐组浸提初步除杂,在真空浓缩罐中得到浓缩,经过喷雾干燥得到茶多酚粗品,经过AlCl3:ZnCl2=1∶2的混合溶液沉淀后,经真空抽滤后制成滤饼,再用36%盐酸置换,以低沸点的乙酸乙酯萃取后,萃取液经8个小时的低温真空干燥得到茶多酚成品,经包装后就可储藏了。年产1000吨的茶多酚需要低档绿茶5001吨,该工艺生产的茶多酚得率大于15%,纯度高于95%。 关键词:茶多酚;工业提取;工艺;车间设计 Abstract This paper introduces the polyphenol composition, structure, properties, applications and extraction theory,This article describes several common polyphenols extraction process,and the process was derived from a comparative analysis of extracts of green tea polyphenols low industrial production processes, The main flow of the process: the tea into the hammer mill 20 to 30 mesh, the wind sent into the reactor, the temperature of 90℃, 15 至 20 minutes, after the centrifuge, the liquid enters the filter through the membrane extraction tank countercurrent extraction tank group after three preliminary cleaning, get concentrated in a vacuum concentrator, spray dried to obtain crude polyphenols, after calcium precipitation cake made ??by vacuum filtration, and then replaced with 36% hydrochloric acid, and extracted with ethyl acetate after the low boiling point, the extract was 8 hours and dried in vacuo to give a low temperature finished polyphenols, can be stored after the packaging. With an annual output of 1,000 tons of low-grade green tea polyphenols require 5,001 tons, the production process of polyphenols yield greater than 15% purity higher than 95% . Keywords:Polyphenols;industrial extraction;process;plant desi 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究目的和意义 1 1.2茶叶的化学组成 1 1.3茶多酚的成分、结构 2 1.3.1成分与性状 2 1.3.2结构 3 1.4茶多酚的理化性质 4 1.4.1茶多酚的物理性质 4 1.4.2化学性质 4 1.5茶多酚的医学价值 4 1.6 茶多酚的主要用途 5 1.



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