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农村常住人口(老年人)信仰状态调查 大学论文
题 目 农村常住人口(老年人)信仰状态调查
学 院 农学院
专 业 农村区域发展
Abstract: . 1
Key words 1
摘要 1
关键词 1
1.课题的研究调查背景及方法 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 本文的主要方法和研究进展 2
1.2.1 本文主要研究方法 2
2. 概念界定 2
2.1 信仰的概念及功能 2
2.1.1 信仰的概念 2
2.1.2 信仰的功能 3
2.1.3 信仰的分类 4
2.2 人口老龄化 5
2.2.1 人口老龄化的定义 5
2.2.2 人口老龄化现状 5
2.3 城镇化率 5
3. 我国农村老年人信仰状态调查及分析 6
3.1 我国部分地区老年人信仰状态调查 6
3.1.1 不同年龄段人群的信仰现状 6
3,.1.2 老年人成为宗教信仰主体的原因分析 7
3.2 满足老年人精神需求的对策 7
参考文献 Rural resident population (aged) belief state investigation
Abstract: Belief as the core value system of human beings, is necessary for the spiritual life of the destination, because of its social value orientation and the cohesion force, and also has the important value to the social order. In the process of social transformation in China, change the negative effects of the market economy, social injustice, disorder and peoples value concept leads to moral anomie in a certain extent, to produce ideal belief crisis some people thought. The countryside is the mainstream consciousness is the weak area, especially the problems of the elderly in rural areas, are mainly concentrated in the social security system and medical security system establishment and the consummation, the rural elderlys spiritual and cultural needs, our attention is not enough, the study also is not deep enough. In view of this, this article on the basis of the relevant literature and survey, mainly analyzed the present status and theoretical reflection on the rural elderlys state of belief and spiritual and cultural needs, not only has the situation to help understand the elderlys spiritual belief and life quality, but also can provide certain theoretical basis and practical measures for our country. Aging services.
Key words: Belief; belief crisis; rural elderly; spiritual and cultural needs
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