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题 目学 院
专 业 班 级 学 生
学 号 20122602006
With economic globalization, knowledge-based economy, competition among enterprises and between enterprises become increasingly fierce. It is increasingly recognized that companies want to gain a competitive edge, we must continuously improve their overall effectiveness and performance. Practice has proved that the way to improve performance is performance management. But in practice, performance management, strategic orientation since the performance management system is not strong, the surface, the indicators can be completed, but the overall performance of the enterprise has not greatly improved. How to create a strategy - oriented performance management system to deal with a challenge to managers.
Balanced Scorecard from a financial, customer, internal operations, learning and growth perspective of four, the implementation of the organizations strategy into actionable metrics and target. Kai Balanced Scorecard since its inception ten years time, is preclude the use of and has won widespread praise enterprises of all types. Currently, the Balanced Scorecard as a powerful strategic management tools are applied in most of the world strong enterprises, the Balanced Scorecard thinking of enterprise performance management system can establish a strategy-oriented performance management for managers system provides a good idea.
In this paper, the company as the research object, the use of strategic management, performance management, balanced scorecard theory, combined with the development trend of management status and performance of the Companys industry, the performance management system for the companys problems with the idea of ??the Balanced Scorecard performance management system is designed to ensure that companies achieve strategic goals.
Key words: Performance evaluation; performance manageme
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