
企业资产管理系统 大学论文.doc

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企业资产管理系统 大学论文

摘 要 企业资产管理系统是一个企业单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于企业单位的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要,所以企业资产管理系统应该能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。但一直以来人们使用传统人工的方式管理企业资产的信息,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、必威体育官网网址性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。随着计算机技术的不断发展,计算机应用于各大领域,并给人们的生活带来了极大的便利,在企业管理系统亦是如此。以往企业资产员由于缺乏适当的软件而给其工作带来了很多不便。本论文所介绍的便是一个企业资产管理系统,以方便在企业资产安排和企业资产管理上的工作任务。 开发这样一套管理软件成为很有必要的事情。经过分析,本系统使用MyEclipse8.6为开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的可视化开发平台作为开发工具。通过分析传统的人工管理系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析、组织机构分析、管理职能分析、业务流程分析、数据流程分析、数据字典、处理描述等等;数据库运用SQLSERVER2008,介绍了具体的数据库表以及功能,系统介绍部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计;系统实现部分列出了几个主要的程序框图,并附带了一些主要的窗口和程序。 关键词: 企业资产管理 SQLSERVER数据库 C/S结构 ABSTRACT Fixed Assets Management System is an enterprise units indispensable part It is an enterprise units for the policy makers and managers are of great importance, Therefore, fixed asset management system should be able to provide users with sufficient information and efficient means of inquiry. But there has been the use of traditional artificial approach in the management of fixed assets information, This mode of administration, there are many drawbacks, such as : low efficiency, poor security, the other over the long term. will have a lot of documents and data, which identify, update and maintenance caused a lot of difficulties. As computer technology continues to develop, computers for all major areas, and to peoples lives brought great convenience, In fixed management system is reflected. Members of the previous fixed assets due to the lack of appropriate software, which bring to their work a lot of inconvenience. This paper is presented in a fixed asset management system, to facilitate the arrangements in fixed assets and fixed assets management of the task. This paper introduces the fixed-asset management system throughout the design process. Develop such a management software become necessary things. After analysis, the system uses MyEclipse8.6 for the development of tools to provide a variety of its object-oriented visual development platform as a development tool. By analyzing the t



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