
汽车牙嵌式差速器的设计 大学论文.doc

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汽车牙嵌式差速器的设计 大学论文

摘 要 在去年金融危机的影响下,汽车产业结构的重组给汽车的发展带来了新的机遇,与汽车相关的各行各业更加注重汽车的质量。差速器作为汽车必不可少的组成部分之一也在汽车市场上产生了激烈的竞争。此次就是针对汽车差速器这一零件进行设计的。本次设计主要对安装在驱动桥的两个半轴之间的差速器进行设计,主要涉及到了差速器非标准零件如齿轮结构和标准零件设计计算,同时也介绍了差速器的发展现状和差速器的种类。对于差速器的方案选择和工作原理也作出了简略的说明。在设计中参考了大量的文献,因此对差速器的结构和作用有了更透彻的了解。再设计出合理适用的差速器的同时也对差速器相关的行业有了一定得认识。通过绘制差速器的组件图也让我在学习方面得到了提高。 关键词:差速器、卡盘、齿轮结构、设计计算 Abstract In the last year under the impact of financial crisis, automotive industrial restructuring brought about by the development of motor vehicles to new opportunities, and automotive related businesses pay more attention to the quality of cars. Differential as an integral part of car, one of the automotive market also resulted in fierce competition. The differential is the spare parts for motor vehicles designed. The design of the main drivers on the installation of the bridge in between the two axle differential design, mainly related to the differential struct -ure of non-standard parts such as gear parts and standards for design and calculation, but also introduced the development of differential status and the type of differential. For differential selection and the principle of the program have also made a brief note. Reference in the desi -gn of a large amount of literature on the role of differential structure and have a more thoro -ugh understanding. Re-engineering the application of a reasonable differential at the same time also has been related industries must be aware of. Differential through the mapping component map also let me in the field of learning has been improved. Keywords:differential, gear structure,design 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 I 第一章 概述 1 1.1汽车差速器的发展现状 1 1.2汽车差速器的功用及其分类 2 1.3课题设计初始数据的来源与依据 6 第二章 差速器的设计方案 8 2.1差速器的方案选择及结构分析 8 2.2差速器的工作原理 9 第三章 差速器非标准零件的设计 12 3.1牙嵌式差速器的动力分析 12 3.1.1主动环啮合齿参数确定 12 3.1.2差速器几何计算图表 13 3.1.3差速器传动环的材料 15 3.1.4差速器齿牙强度的计算 15 3.2差速器主传动轴的设计计算 16 3.2.1齿轮轴的分类及选用 16 3.2.2十字轴的尺寸设计 17 3.2.3十字轴的材料 17 3.3差速器垫圈的设计计算 17 3.3.1平垫圈的尺寸设计 18 3.3.2环面垫圈的尺寸设计 18 第四章 差速器标准零件的选用 19 4.1螺栓的选用和



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