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东北财经大学自学考试本科毕业论文 浅析人保集团在保险业的未来发展 作 者 专 业 总 考 号 指导教师 答辩日期 成 绩 内容提要 近几年,中国保险业务快速增长,服务领域不断拓宽,市场体系日臻完善,法律法规逐步健全,监管水平不断提高,风险得到有效防范,但与发达国家相比还有较大的差距,未来的发展空间仍十分巨大。目前中国保险市场营销环境良好,市场营销环境作为影响企业营销活动的重要因素已经为越来越多的企业所关注。保险企业如何不断顺应市场营销环境的变化是事关保险企业生死存亡的大课题。如何掌控保险企业与保险市场营销环境之间的关系,使保险企业及时、准确地把握保险市场营销环境的动态,并采取适当的对策,是研究市场营销决策管理的基础。 本文分析了我国保险业发展状况与保险市场营销环境,并根据人保集团的现状提出对策与建议。 第一部分,简述了保险原理,包含了保险的定义、职能及作用并分析了保险市场的需求与供给。 第二部分,针对保险市场当前的营销环境进行了深入的分析。 第三部分,分析了行业现存问题及相应对策并针对当前保险市场营销环境下人保集团的现状进行了对策分析。 关键词:保险 市场营销环境 对策 Abstract In recent years, the rapid growth of Chinas insurance business, expand service areas, improving market system, gradually improve the laws and regulations, improving continuously the supervision, effectively guard against the risk, But compared with developed countries still have larger gap, the future development of space is still huge. At present the Chinese insurance market marketing environment is good, the market marketing environment, as an important factor of influence enterprise marketing activities have been attention by more and more enterprises. Insurance companies how to constantly adapt to the change of market marketing environment is of vital importance to the big issue is a matter of the insurance company. How to handle the relationship between the insurance companies and insurance market marketing environment, make the insurance enterprises timely and accurately grasp the market marketing environment is dynamic, and take the appropriate measures, is the basis of research in marketing decision-making management. This paper analyzes the development status and insurance in the insurance business marketing environment, and put forward countermeasures and Suggestions according to preserve the groups status quo. The first part briefly describes the principle of insurance, including the definition, function and effect of


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