
浅析郑州市汽车尾气排放对大气质量的影响 大学论文.doc

浅析郑州市汽车尾气排放对大气质量的影响 大学论文.doc

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浅析郑州市汽车尾气排放对大气质量的影响 大学论文

浅析郑州市汽车尾气排放对大气质量的影响 学生姓名 系(部) 专 业 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 郑州地处中原,是河南省省会,也是全国公路、铁路交通枢纽和重要的商品集散地。1996年以来,郑州国民生产总值每年以两位数递增,城市面积、人口有了快速扩容,污染物排放量迅速增加。 郑州市目前机动车保有量位居全国各大城市的前列,其中私人汽车的保有量为全国第三位,仅次于北京,成都,而且近年来呈快速上升趋势。虽然政府部门采取了一系列的措施来缓解城市交通压力、减少机动车污染物的排放,取得了一些效果。但是城市机动车保有量的增长态势使汽车尾气排放造成的大气污染仍将成为成都市的主要环境问题之一。 本文在介绍近年来国内外关于城市机动车污染的研究现状的基础上,对郑州市机动车污染物的排放现状、预测及控制对策进行了相关研究。 关键词: 机动车污染物排放 控制对策 郑州市 Abstract Zhengzhou city, the Capital of Henan Province,located in the central region of China,is the national pivot of goods by the way of road and railway. Accompanied with the two-digit growth of Zhengzhou’s GDP,rapid expansion of urban area and its inhabitants,the emission of pollutants has increased sharply sinee1996. The number of motor vehicle in Zhengzhou locates in the former place of big cities over the country.Tenure number of private car is in the third place over the country,next to Beijing and Chengdu,and is increasing rapidly in recent years.The government has acquired some fruits by taking series of procedures to relax the traffic pressure and to reduce motor vehicle emission.However, the increasing trend of tenure number of motor vehicle makes air pollution caused by vehicle emission remain one of the main environmental problems in Zhengzhou. The paper carries on investigation to the actual condition of vehicle emission in Zhengzhou ,forecasts the vehicle emission in the next decade,and provides control strategies for reducing the dangerous vehicle emission,based on the introduction of study on vehicle pollution over the world. Key Words: motor vehicle emission control strategy Zhengzhou 前 言 近年来,我国城市大气污染日趋严重,正在从燃煤型污染向交通型污染转变。目前全国机动车保有量迅速增长,尤其是北京、上海、广州、郑州等特大城市尤其明显。加之国产汽车单车排放水平比美国、日本要高出几倍甚至几十倍,汽车维修保养不善,城市交通道路堵和市内居民集中,这势必引起城市空气质量的不断恶化。机动车尾气污染紧次于燃煤污染,成为郑州市大气污染的第二大污染源。 环境保护与经济可持续发展的协调是各国政府面临的一个严峻而又鱼待解决的问题。大气污染的防治是建立在正确认识大气环境质量现状的基础上的,因此大气环境质量



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