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S4+ Part 2: Creator Workbook F R E E Y O U R M I N D , E M P O W E R T H E F U T U R E STUDENT WORKBOOK I. My Research Plan 1. My Research Topic 2. Preview the Research 3. Complete the Idea Web 4. Research the Problem 5. Brainstorm Possible Solutions 6. Do the Survey 7. Graph the Results II. Hands on Work 1. Design the Prototype 2. Gather your Materials 3. Build a Model 4. Prepare your Speech 5. Practice your Presentation 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS My Research Plan My Research Topic1 *Write the name of your field and the problem you chose to solve. Preview the Research2 Field Problem I Know... I Need to Know... * In order to find out more about the problem, write what you already know on the left and the aspects (causes and consequences) you need to research on the right. 2 C o m p le te t h e I d e a W e b 3 *W ri te y ou r to pi c na m e in th e m id dl e ci rc le a nd d et ai ls /s ub -t op - ic s in th e sm al le r ci rc le s. T he n, d ra w lin es to c on ne ct th e id ea s t ha t r el at e to e ac h ot he r. 3 *Write down the causes of the problem you are trying to solve, as well as the sources where you found that information. Brainstorm Possible Solutions5 Causes Sources *Think about possible solutions to the problem you are working on. Choose the best three ideas and complete the chart below with its name and some details of how each one would work. Research the Problem4 Possible Solutions Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 4 1. Choose 8 people (could be friends, classmates, teachers, or family) and tell them a little about your project. 2. Present the field, chosen problem, and the 3 possible solutions to your inter- viewees. 3. Tell them to choose the option they like best and give you feedback about your proposed solutions, if they have any. Do the Survey6 SURVEY Dear Friend, The following survey aims to find the best solution to h


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