
数控车床的故障诊断与维护 大学论文.doc

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数控车床的故障诊断与维护 大学论文

毕业设计(论文) 数控车床的故障诊断与维护 学生姓名 系(部) 专 业 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 科学技术的发展,对机械产品提出了高精度、高复杂性的要求,而且产品的更新换代也在加快,这对床设备不仅提出了精度和效率的要求,而且也对其提出了通用性和灵活性的要求。数控床就是针对这种要求而产生的一种新型自动化机床。数控床集微电子技术、计算机技术、自动控制技术及伺服驱动技术、精密机械技术于一体,是高度机电一体化的典型产品。它本身又是机电一体化的重要组成部分是现代机床技术水平的重要标志。数控床体现了当前世界机床技术进步的主流,是衡量机械制造工艺水平的重要指标,在柔性生产和计算机集成制造等先进制造技术中起着重要的基础核心作用。因此,如何更好的使用数控床是一个很重要的问题。由数控床是一种价格昂贵的精密设备,因此,其维护更是不容忽视、、Abstract Science and technology, made high-precision mechanical products, high complexity requirements, but also speed up the upgrading of products, which not only made machine tool accuracy and efficiency requirements, but also for their versatility and made flexibility requirements. CNC machine tools is required for this generated a new type of automatic machine tools. CNC machine tool set microelectronics, computer technology, automatic control technology and servo drive technology, precision machinery technology, and is highly typical mechatronic product. It is itself an important part of mechanical and electrical integration, is an important technical level of modern machine tool marks. CNC machine tool technology reflects the progress of the current mainstream of the world, is a measure of mechanical manufacturing processes important indicator of the level, the flexible production and computer integrated manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing technology plays an important basis for the central role. Therefore, how to make better use of CNC machine tools is a very important issue. Because CNC machine tools is an expesive precision equipment, and therefore its maintenance can not be ignored Keywords:CNC lathe , Commissioning and acceptance,self-diagnosis 目 录 前言·························································5 第一章 数控车床简介···········································6 第一节 数控车床的概念·········································6 第二节 数控车床的组成及分类····································6 第三节


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